

This Week I've Managed Too

This week I've managed too . . .

• Write not one, but three blog entries that didn't go live.

• Talk myself out of buying close to $100 worth of yarn.

• Accept I'm still being tested by life.

• Keep my yarn from being sacrificed to a moth.

• Complete something on my never-ending "to do" list.

• Dye two hanks of yarn in the colorway of Posie (or as close to it as possible without a recipe).

• Accept G-d has some crazy timing.

• Take a 5 mile walk in our "lovely" summer weather.

• Catch up on sleep and then fall behind again.

• Realize that some people are just nice and don't necessarily have an agenda behind their actions.

• Send out all the swap(-ish like) and RAK packages to their intended recipients.

• Slip a majority of stitches of both my socks off the needles and then "repair the damage" without having a major heart attack.

• Not freak out when I got briefly got stuck in an elevator.

• Make my way halfway through my two-at-a-time, Lovely Lace socks.

Until later . . .

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