

A Special Kind Of Strange Talent

Just when I got "caught up," I feel behind - again.

Truthfully, life has been a bit crazy lately so my blogging efforts have fallen by the waste side. This include the Thursday blog project posts. So instead of posting about my "strange talent" last week, like Mel @ Me!!! asked us to do, I am posting about it this week.

No, this is not where I tell you my strange talent is catching up on my missed deadlines, making up excuses for missing deadline or even procrastination. Actually, figuring out my strange talent took me awhile. At first I was going to talk about my ability to avoid answering questions I don't want to answer without really making it THAT obvious. (And trust me it is a talent.)

Then, recently I was sitting in a Panera on my computer chatting online while I waited for a friend to show-up when it hit. Though I was typing, my eyes were scanning the room. Yep, I was people watching and typing. Wasn't looking at one thing I had typed. Of course obviously one would thing there would have been many typos in the body of my chat message. However, no one single error. Every word was spelled correctly, every punctuation mark was in its place. So, my fantastically strange, and awkward, talent is that I have the ability to type without looking at what I am writing with minimal (or any) errors.

There was a guy sitting next to me at the Panera recently. As I sat there typing and looking off into space I wondered what he was thinking. Did he notice I wasn't looking at what I was doing? Did he wonder how I did it? Did he think I was strange? Did others notice??

Honestly, I'm not sure that I really care if others think it's strange. I just notice about three/four months ago that I have this . . . ummm . . . "talent." It's actually kind of nice. The times I find myself doing it the most is when I'm writing something that has me deep in thought. I've found I write best when I write something in my head first and then put it down on paper (or in a computer file of some sort). I also find I do this when I'm really tired and need to rest my eyes. Yes, sometimes I close my eyes and type.

Truth be told I find this talent somewhat amusing because my typing skills use to be horrible. I barely passed the typing test I needed to take for my major in college. I guess it was just a matter of practice, practice, practice.

So, there you have it folks! Typing without actually looking at the screen (and sometimes even closing my eyes is my awkward talent. Now please take a few moments to check the special talents of my fellow bloggers by clicking on the below links:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

that's cool that you're able to do that. i have to look at the screen.

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