There have been a few . . . well, let's just say detours . . along the way. Such as the fact that I, once again, decided that an actual heel isn't necessary. Yep, that's right. Accord to yours truly the newest trend in knitted socks is to go straight from the heel flap to picking up the gusset stitches and then decreasing them. (It's sorta a heel - right!?)
What I believe made this experience standout from the several other times I've done this is that I not only did this on one sock, but I did it on BOTH socks. I was so anxious about how I would manage the gusset for two socks at one time that I jumped-in immediately after I finished the heel flap.
(Yeah, my special kind of sock FAIL!)
After I realized what I had done, finished feeling stupid and stopped cursing I back tracked. As you can see, I did eventually turn the heal on my socks, pick the gusset stitches and then decreased . . .

So, in the end I am on my way once again to finishing my Lovely Lace socks. Seeing that I seem to like not turning the heel, even though it is one of my favorite parts of making socks, I may have to come up with a pattern where my special FAIL is more like a special WIN. Until that point, I'd love to hear from others who do the same thing - so I don't feel so special after all!
Until later . . .
1 comment:
Hey there, this is madametj from Ravelry letting you know you have a new stalker! These look like they're going to be pretty, btw :)
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