

Picture Perfect Friday - The Fourth (And Final) Week

This week's list wasn't as hard as I thought it would be . . . which is alway a good thing!

Something Yellow

This was accidentally taken when I was trying to take the next item on the list. It was yellow, so I figured it would work!

Red Door

At first the only place I thought I could find a red door was on a house door - or the Elizabeth Arden spa. Considering I wasn't planning on going to one of those anytime soon it was a matter of finding a house with a red door. Then a friend gave me this idea . . .

Creature That Lives In Water

Something With Stripes

Brick House Wall

Need I explain???

I was sad to see this was the last week. Apparently there were problems with the contest so they pulled it for the remainder of the summer. I will miss the "scavenger hunt" each week. This got me thinking . . . If you'd like, I would graciously accept similar lists of items - within reason - from y'all to take photos of so I can continue this little segment on my blog. If you're interested, please e-mail your list(S) to:

I look forward to see what ideas you have for me!

Until later . . .

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