


Lorna's Laces Tour Secret #1 Relieved:

Lorna's Laces announced yesterday a new colorway - Roadside Gerry. This is one of the "top secret" things we learned about on our tour this past Saturday.

Oh what a beautiful colorway it is! Some of us wanted to buy a hank, or two, while we were there, but that was not gonna happen. Oh well! The color has been released and will be in stores soon. Yay!


And then there was more yarn talk. . .

Apparently one of yarn shops local to my mother's area went out of business. It also appears that someone my mother knows is friends with the owner of said yarn shop so they picked up A LOT of yarn, buttons, trimmings, etc and I am welcome to some - Yay to the friend of Froggie's Mom!


Chix with Stix
is another local yarn shop that I've been to recently. I've been meaning to go there for a while because they support the Knit One, Save One campaign and are offering knitters a free skein of yarn to make hats for premature babies so they stay warm over the winter months.

This is a cause close to my heart as I have two family members that were born premature (about five weeks early).

I know I've posted about this cause in the past, but please take a moment to visit their website and learn more about this great program - Knit One, Save One


Among the random thoughts I had yesterday, I realized that the e-mail address associated with this blog is separate from my personal one. This prompted me to actually check the e-mail account "just in case" someone actually wrote into it. Low-and-behold someone did . . . This random thought also made me realize I should set-up this address in my mail client. Now I will have a better chance of receiving and replying in a more timely manner.


As a follow-up to my shoe dilemma (for lack of a better way to put it) . . . I actually found a kick-ass pair of shoes for my outfit. The best part is that they are versatile so I will be able to wear them with a lot of different things. I think I am going to do one more swing by some local shoe stores to make sure they are the pair I want for sure. I would post a picture of them, but my camera battery is still dead.


Sadly, this whole camera battery debacle is leaving me with a few gaps in my 2008 365 photo project. I've been able to borrow a camera here and there from friends to snap a shot, but nothing on a regular basis until I get a new charger. Oh well! Out of 365 I think missing a handful of days is better than stopping altogether.

I actually am way behind on posting pictures. I guess that is another "to do" for the weekend. :)

On that note, I will say farewell. . . for now. Happy knitting to all!

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