

The Moving Check List

I don't feel like I'm moving.

Ok, my place is in disarray and there are obvious signs that I'm moving - like piles of items lining the walls all with a specific destinations. Outside of that, I don't feel like I'm moving. Since this is the case, I've had to work extra hard to keep myself on task getting ready. Though this move will be a much easier than others in the past, there are still the normal moving check list to be tended to.

This list is as follows:

  • ComEd account transfer (Check)

  • Cable and Internet transfer (Check)

  • Newspaper service transfer

  • Submit mail forwarding (Do I get a check for attempting this?)

  • Update mailing address with everyone under the sun (Partial check)

  • Gather/Buy the "superstition" items along with any missing cleaning supplies

  • E-mail family and friends with new contact information

. . . And those are the things I can remember.

Now that I'm looking at the list I can tell what has taken top priority. I guess as long as I have electricity, cable and internet I'm all set. I did try submitting a mail forwarding request online the other day. Apparently it costs a $1 to do this online as they want to verify your identity. I can completely respect this, but unless the dollar ensures they won't screw up my mail service then I'll be happy to stroll over to my local USPS and submit it the old fashion way.

I also have a question regarding the superstition items. As I've been told by my mom and aunt (aka - my second mom) the "superstition items" are a list of items you are suppose to bring into your new home before anything else.

They are:

  • Bread - so you never go hungry.

  • Sugar/Jam - for a sweet life

  • Salt - to keep away the evil spirits (according to my mom) and so you have no tears (according to my aunt)

  • Broom - to sweep away the past and start anew

Now, I'm fine with the bread, sugar/jam and salt. However, I need my broom for cleanup in the old place and I don't want to buy a new one. Maybe I'll just haul the broom over to the new place for the symbolic gesture and then bring it back to the old place for cleanup. It just seems like a lot of unnecessary schlepping.

I have to admit, even with a small move, it's still a move and it's still a life change. Or, as some have said to me, "the next chapter" of my life. I think that's a little too deep for me, but it is true to a degree.

The past 9 months of my life have been exactly what I had anticipated them to be in a few ways, but mostly a lot different than I thought it would be. I'm actually thankful for that because the journey has been more interesting that way. At the end of the day what I'm most in awe of is how quickly time has passed. Especially since I no longer plan out every single detail of my life months in advance and have learned to stop and "smell the roses." I think it's something everyone should do at some point!

It's time for me to get back to the moving check list. I can't give myself a gold star until I complete it.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

interesting about the superstitious items list...

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