

Sloppy Joes. Cornbread. Champagne. Oh, and don't forget the Mountain Dew!

My break from moving chores was short lived.

If I wasn't actually at home organizing stuff and house mousing, then I was running around all over trying to find things I need for the new place. My main mission is to find a new lamp for my living room. The one I currently have has been dragged around four places in the past seven years I've had it. When I took it with me this last time I knew that it was broken (I literally can turn the switch for what seems like 100 times without it actually turning on). However, I stubbornly insisted it be schlepped to my new place mainly because I didn't want to hunt for a new lamp. At one point a friend of mine was going to replace the switch, but that never happened. So, I think it's time I lay the lamp to rest. That is of coarse AFTER I find its replacement which may not be as easy as I once thought it would be. These were recommended by a friend - Unique Lamps. I believe they were joking, but I'm kind of diggin' the Yo Yo and Milk lamps.

This weekend's house mousing was surely interesting. I came across more pictures than I ever thought I had. A lot of them took me down memory lane. I'm gonna have to find a scanner so I can upload them to Flickr. Others were a shock to me because I didn't expect to have these particular pictures in my possession. It's all good though - that's what the "other" box is for. (See, the other box does come in handy and has a purpose.)

It snowed last night and it's so beautiful out. It was actually kind of cool to see the way the weather transitioned. I literally watched it go from raining to sleet to snow -- all in a matter of seconds. I'm hoping the coat of snow will stay the way it is until I get home this evening. If that is the case I think I'm gonna have to hit the local trails for some pictures. I'm sure a lot of people are taking similar pics, but I don't care. There is this one tree along the path I walk regularly that I've always wanted to take a picture of because of the way it's shaped (the trunk doesn't stand up straight as it should). Taking a pic of it snow covered would be amazing!

M's socks are coming along nicely. I'm at the part of the second sock that in my mind takes the longest - knitting the length of the foot. Not to worry, tonight is Dancing with the Stars so I'm guaranteed at least an hour or two of productive knitting time! javascript:void(0)

On a knitting humor note, I thought the below links were funny...


Just another use for duck tape...

I believe that is all for now...

Until later...

1 comment:

CTJen said...

duck tape girl is adorable, too!

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