

Three Hundred Sixty-Five

My intention was to post an entry after I got home from all the happenings last night because yesterday was such a news worthy day (more world news than personal, but I had some personal things in mind as well). Then I got home -- really late. Or, at least late enough for someone who hasn't slept well lately and knew they had work the next day. Though that didn't keep me from knitting a bit before I went to sleep of course. I always seem to have to wind-down a bit when I get home regardless of how tired I am. The good news with that is M's second socks. (More on that a little later). WooHoo!

Ok, back to world news. . . First things first. . .


This is CRAZY, but very interesting.

Birkat HaHammah

My explanation of this holiday would not be a good one so I will just refer you to the link below. What I can say is that this is an event that takes place every 28 years and has only fallen on Erev Passover three times in over 5700 years.

Birkat HaHammah

Project 365

A year ago yesterday I started Project 365. This was my first picture:

Day 1: Box - April 8, 2008

I always said I wanted to make a coffee table book out of my Project 365 pictures for every year I completed the project. However, I'm not sure I'm going to do so with the pictures from April 2008 thru April 2009. Mainly because my CDO... I mean OCD tendencies would like the coffee table book to be a full calendar year (January thru December) of pictures vs. 12 months of pictures.
I told you I have OCD -- and this is just the beginning.


Last night Passover began. It's been over 24 hours since the first night Seder I attended and my rejection of bread, and other leavened food products, has begun. The Seder I attended was interesting. If I had to sum it up I'd say it was brief and ADD-ish. Too bad it was after the fact that I found a post titled "The Two Minute Hagadah." Short, simple and to the point!

As planned my morning breakfast consisted of Pomegranate fat free yogurt (and sugar free!) soup for lunch and a tasty omelet for dinner. Oh yeah, I forgot the chocolate covered matzoh for dessert! So far so good! Only 6 days and 19 hours (163 hours total), but no one is counting.

I find the whole idea of altering my diet an interesting one. Mainly because a lot of it is psychological. I realized this back in October when I fasted for Yom Kippur and later reinforced when I avoided High Fructose Corn Syrup in November. After all is said and done I guess it will be figuring out afterward if I want to makes this a more permanant change, or if this is a onetime shot.

One of my friends posted this on Facebook and I found it interesting enough to post here. It's segment on the health benefits of knitting. I would have to say I concur with what the clip has to say. I didn't take up knitting as a regular hobby for this reason. Actually, as I've mentioned before I did so because I enjoy making things. I guess the health benefits are just an added bonus!

Kntting Is Good For Your Health

As I mentioned above, M's socks are finished! Yay! They've been hand washed and drying at the moment. Once they're dry I'll block 'em and take some pictures. I should probably take some gauge measurement since I plan to write this pattern up. I'm really excite to give them to M. I gave my mom her second pair of socks last night and heard back that they fit her very nicely! WooHoo! Another success!

I actually enjoy knitting for other people more than I like knitting for myself. It's nice to see the enjoyment the recipients get from the items I make. I know this is a selfish feeling, but I think it's a good selfish feeling. (Did that make sense?)

I've done nothing all night to get my place ready for this upcoming move. I believe this to be a result of my exhaustion which has become more and more apparent to me. Yes, another crappy nights sleep. I seem to be going through some sort of bad sleep cycle and I can't figure out why. I'm guessing because of the upcoming move, but I'm sure there are other things keeping me from sleeping well.

Ok, my brain is officially shot for the evening. I guess I have to save whatever else is on my mind for later.

Until later my friends. . .

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