. . . And In Conclusion
Since I refuse to articulate my thoughts regarding 2008, I thought I'd feature some quotes that have recently stood out to me:
"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." - T.S. Eliot
"We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves." - Eric Hoffer
"We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them." - Livy
"We do not acquire humility. There is humility in us - only we humiliate ourselves before false g-ds." - Simone Weil
"My friends are my estate." - Emily Dickinson (I would like to add family on to this as well)
"I look forward to putting to rest the events of this past year and remembering them with a mixture of happiness and sadness. I look forward to this coming year for there are many adventures and possibilities that await." - Froggie
That Cost Me How Much!?
For a non-knitter this probably seems like an unbelievable amount of money just for knitting. However, it's really easy to run-up that $1700 tab.
The adventure to $1700 starts with the innocent purchase of that one pair of needles you need for your first project. For me it was a pair of size 8 needles so I could make a scarf (a typical beginner project). Then of course that morphed into a pair of size 8 needles for my famous baby blankets. Now one would think that I could just use the same pair that I got for the scarf, however that isn't the case because the length of that first pair were WAY shorter than I needed for a blanket. Before I knew it I was looking at purchasing circular needles and DPNs.
I remember the day I purchased my set of interchangeable circulars. I was at Joanne's mulling over the age old dilemma when it comes to purchasing circular needles - what length cable do I want/need? Oh, and don't get me started on the metal vs. bamboo decision. Sidenote: No matter what type of needle I needed, I would diligently go through the pros and cons of purchasing metal or bamboo needles. I can't even begin to tell you the looks I got from people as I analyzed it all. Getting back to the circular needle tangent . . . So I'm trying to figure out what type of circular needles to purchase. Then I saw the interchangeable set. It was on sale (a dangerous, enabling word) - half price! I must have danced around that aisle for at least half an hour debating in my head what to purchase. In the end I selected the interchangeable set because it was an "investment" (another dangerous, enabling word) .
Investment is word the I would use many, many, many more times over the coming months. Each project required a different size needle and I finally got to a point where I would spend hours on Ravelry just trying to find a pattern that used a size needle I already had so that way I wouldn't have to spend more $ on another set of needles.
So, I've covered needles; let's move onto knitting accessories. Yes, accessories such as a project bags, stitch markers, mini pair of scissors, ball winder, swift, tape measure, more stitch markers because you lost 90% of your other set or you don’t have enough for the project you want to make. The list goes on and on. Most of these things have a small price tags when you are buying them individually, but when you put the receipts together the total adds up!
Then there are swap gifts. Now, don't get me wrong. I love sending gifts to others. Dish Rag Tag was a blast and I did eventually get the reverse swap box out as well. However, the swaps I enjoyed the most were the ones where I didn't expect anything in return - a.k.a. RAK gifts.
Another side tangent: Speaking of RAK, I will never forget the response I got from seamsheavenly when I told her I had a camera for her. It was about 4 years old and , to some, grossly out of date. However, you would have thought I told her she won million dollars. That makes the list of top memories of 2008.
Back to swap gifts. . . Depending on the magnitude of the swap, most of these packages run from $10 - $30/$40 (again, it all depends on the items you include – if the swap requires you purchase yarn that is at least $20 you then need to factor in goodies and shipping).
And, last but not at all least, there is cost of yarn. I miss the days when going to Joanne's for yarn was all I needed. I would stalk the Sunday paper with great enthusiasm as I knew it held a 40% coupon for Joanne's and Michael's. Those were the days when Bernat Baby Coordinates was the bomb to me. Oh, and Patron's and Lion Brand were as well. I had yet to step foot into yarn heaven and sock yarn was just something I heard about, but had never used for one of my projects.
The cost of yarn can be outrageous if you let it be. Case and point, the $130 hank that I saw in Indianapolis. Of course I would never get a hank of yarn that cost that much - I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror without a lingering sense of guilt. It's just ridiculous. In all seriousness, I think I've done a good job of keeping my yarn costs down. A major of my stash was bought at Joanne's or Michael's and I actually have made it through yarn heaven once or twice without making a purchase. However, if you don't budget for yarn the chance you will go overboard is likely.
Two other factors that contribute to high annual yarn costs. . . Yarn Hops (sometimes called Yarn Crawls) and Yarn Clubs.
This is when a group of knitter go together to a yarn shop, or two, and knit and shop and knit and shop some more things can get dangerous. Yes my friends, you've put yourself in a situation were you've gone to a yarn shop with a group of enablers. These people will not tell you that the hank of yarn is too much and they will not tell you to put the yarn down because you really can't afford it. Instead, they will encourage you to purchase said yarn by telling you about all the great things you can make from it.
Then there are yarn clubs. For a flat fee you can be part of an exclusive group that receives custom colorways, patterns and gifts that will not be available to anyone else (at least not for the next 12 months sometimes). However, this privilege comes at a premium cost. The minimum monthly cost averages somewhere around $30 and goes up from there. Now, if you do the math and back out the cost of shipping, the pattern, the yarn and any additional gifts then yes you can see the value in it, but it still isn’t cheap.
So where is this all leading?
I don't plan on reading my annual credit card summary because I want to live in my happy-go-lucky world of denial. I don't really want to know how much I've really spent on this hobby I'm so enamored with. All I need to know is that I've probably spent somewhere between $500 and $1700 this year on knitting. With that in mind I do have to say, yesterday I won the knitting lottery.
Let me explain . . .
Awhile back I mentioned that my mom told me she was going to get me some free yarn because someone she knew got all this yarn from a yarn shop that went out of business. Well, yesterday afternoon I took a trip over to where this yarn was being stored to sort through everything because mom told me there was too much for her to know really what to take for me. We both decided it would be better for me to come over and sort through everything and take what I wanted. Honestly, I don't know what I expected, but what I experience was much more. I'll put it this way - imagine you are in a candy shop and someone told you that you could eat whatever you wanted without any physical repercussions. That's right! No weight gain, no elevated sugar levels, NOTHING. That is what it was like. Anything and everything under the sun was at my disposal - Needles, crochet hooks, buttons, ribbon and trim, books and many other knitting necessities.
Oh, yeah, there was yarn too! It was insane! In the end, I walked away with a crazy amount of stuff. So much so that I think I made up for the hundreds of dollars I have poured into this hobby (passion) of mine throughout the year. Now I have no right to say I don't have a yarn stash. Before I run off to a yarn shop I am required to sort through all my goodies to make sure I really don't have anything at home. I do feel the need to say that there wasn’t any sock yarn for the taking so it’s ok for me to purchase that without reviewing my stash first.
Here is a picture of all the stuff I got . . . .
I'm hoping to have it all sorted and organized within the next two weeks or so.
All in all, I feel very fortunate to have had the chance to raid this stash. It amazes me what was left after this individual's going out of business sale. I'm thinking my knitting budget for 2009 just shrunk by leaps and bounds as a result of this opportunity (at least I hope).
Until later. . . Ciao!
My New Favorite Quote
"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy." - Nora Ephron
Those Aren't Allowed Here
TSA Guidelines to Transporting Knitting Needles & Needlepoint
I have a good friend going through a nasty divorce, which includes a bitter custody battle. I am happy to listen to my friend vent and be a sounding board. In all honestly, and full disclosure, I went through a crappy divorce myself this year so if anyone knows the value of having someone to vent unconditionally to, it is yours truly.
As I sit and listen to their tales of whoa I often find myself knitting (don't act so surprised). Recently, as I listened to my friend's latest dramas an extremely random thought popped into my head - wouldn't it be great if all courthouses allowed knitting needles and crochet hooks into the building!? Especially on the Domestic Relations floor - everyone on that floor is either getting divorced, fighting a custody/child support battle and/or fighting with family.
Think about it. . . Unless you work there, most people do not willingly look forward to spending extended periods of time at a courthouse (I know I didn't, and in reality those that work there probably don't either). If you do have to spend extended periods of time at a courthouse it's usually due to one of two things. Either you've been summoned for jury duty or you are part of a trial/court case. Both options lack excitement or any type of positive vibe.
Then there is knitting . . . It's a proven fact that knitting is therapeutic. Knitters not only make creative and beautiful items, they use knitting as way to calm themselves. Don't believe me? Ask an avid knitter what they do when they're frustrated. I'll give you a hint!
Put the two together and what do you have. . . Imagine, instead of the bitterness, hate and lies that normally flood the Domestic Relations floor of any given courthouse; that floor would be a place of calm, peace and honesty. Ah, such a beautiful thing to aspire too. Oh, and as far as knitting needles being "weapons" - the only knitting needles I find dangerous are those used for socks. (I speak from experience when I say it hurts to be poked by one of those things)
Maybe, just maybe, one day this dream of being able to knit in the courthouse will be reality. . . Hey, a frog can dream, right!?
Until later . . . Happy Knitting!
Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get me Down
Instead, we got heavy rain all day long - which in some ways could be considered the equivalent of a bad snow storm. Do not get me wrong, had my plans not been rescheduled I would have been all about being social and happy to go out in the rain to see my friend. However, once they were and I got over the initial "this bites" feeling, I put things into perspective and embraced the opportunity to stay dry, get back into my sweats, watch movies and knit. I believe it's safe to say a lot of my knitting peeps would agree that rainy days are perfect knitting days (not that we need an excuse to knit). The result of all this - About 24 hours after I started the socks for my mom this is what I had accomplished:
The first of mom's socks measuring about 4" in length.
I know it doesn't look like much, but given that I am working with very fine yarn this is great progress. As the yarn began to take shape I decided that mom will definitely like the color and pattern of her socks. I hope they are not too scratchy. I hope that once the socks are washed and treated with a good fabric softener that will not be the case. I guess like many other things time will tell.
Knitting was not the only thing I did today. I did eventually manage to leave my place and venture into the wet world. My main motivation focused on heading to a local camera shop to play with the two digital slr's I've been trying to decide between.
If you had asked me a week ago which camera I was going to get I would have told you with confidence which one. Then I began to do more research and realized that my choice may have been ill advised. Given the financial investment in this item I felt it was necessary to go play with both these models once again. (Yes, I am THAT person who goes back countless times to fidget with the cameras just to make sure - it would be irresponsible of me not too.) The result? I made a decision, and an order has been placed. I eagerly await my new toy!
Happy Birthday Jaden!
I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to my friend's son Jaden Benjamin who arrived yesterday evening.
My friend called me tonight to share the news, but as it would be I found out this afternoon when I saw Jaden's first pics posted on Facebook. It's all good. It was still good to hear from my friend to be assured that mom and baby are doing well.
With that in mind - I wish everyone a good evening!
Jewish Christmas

My reputation as a "yelper" is starting to precede me. As I shared details of the festivities with a friend I was asked how I would rate both experiences - how many stars would I give them. No pressure people! I opted not to answer the question because I did not feel it was fair to the families. However, I will say this - over the past two days I had some of the best food I ever had. This included Lefse which is a Norwegian specialty made out of potatoes. Also, I had some of the best homemade apple pie ever. I would love to get the recipe and make it with a special pie crust recipe a friend of mine shared with me. I've always wanted to make apple pie and I think the two recipes combined would make an outstanding treat. Additionally, I had a cup of espresso for the first time and I even learned how to make it. Also, I was fortunate enough to spend time with two families that were friendly, warm and a blast to be around. By the end of the evening I felt as though I was part of the family and not just a guest. Again, I am thankful and fortunate to have been included in their celebration.
Now, that the holidays are over it of course the perfect time to start all the holiday knitting I've been mentioning over the prior weeks. Then again, technically, the holidays aren't over for me. Hanukkah doesn't end until the 29th. This discovery makes me feel somewhat better about the fact that I just started my mom's birthday/hanukkah/new years socks today - you know the ones that should have been started when I got the yarn about a month and a half ago.
Here's what I have done so far. . .

It's kind of strange knitting with lace weight sock yarn. My Harry Potter socks are DK weight so they are a lot thicker than what I am working with now. At the end of the day what I am most concerned about is that mom gets a pair of socks that she enjoys.
With that said, it's time for me to sign off. . . Happy Knitting to all! Ciao!
The Great Virtual Cookie Swap '08
However, I do not bake as much as I would like to because I also love to eat what I bake - that is when baking becomes dangerous!
When I saw Emily's (aka Yarn Miracle Goddess) post about The Great Virtual Cookie Swap '08 I was all about participating. I cannot tell you the number of times I've glanced over at my KitchenAid stand mixer and considered all the things I could be using it for.
I considered several recipes, but at the end of the day I only chose one (time was running out and making multiple treats was not an option). The recipe that made the cut - Tyler Florence's Chocolate Covered Snow Peak Cookies. Or, at least it was the base for my cookies. As I read over the ingredients and instructions I decided minor alterations were necessary.
Instead of using dark chocolate chips I used Andes Mint Baking Chips. Also, since I love chocolates so much I ignored Tyler's instructions to just place chocolate at the base of the cookies. My cookies sport a chocolate coating all over. The last alteration I made was ignored Tyler's instructions to "pipe 24 bite-sized 'kiss'-shaped meringues." Don't get me wrong, I almost got my pastry bags and tips out however I decided to make free-form dollops in various sizes was the way to go. I figured that way those that wanted a small taste had a bite size treat, whiles those that wanted more could fill their appetite without feeling like they were a pig because they kept coming back for more.
The result . . .
Might I say they Y-U-M-M-Y!!!
Since every product should go through quality control, I sought out a taste tester. It could not be just anyone. It had to be someone who I knew would not sugar coat (no pun intended) the truth . . . and I knew just the right person! I was happy to find my cookies passed the test.
Now all that is left is finding a worthy group to share them with.
Being the shutterbug that I am, I snapped a few shots while baking - The Great Virtual Cookie Swap '08
Friday Freaky Fun Fact & Foto (try saying that fast seven times)
With that in mind, here goes nothing. . .

This bike is the first thing you see when you walk into my old company's Milwaukee office. I about died when I saw it the first time - I love motorcycles, especially Harley's.
The next day after first seeing this for the first time, my boss and I went to Harley's headquarters to visit some of our employees who were working there. While waiting for them I couldn't help but stare at the bike they had in their lobby. The nice security guy noticed this and asked if I wanted to get on it. I thanked him nicely, but declined his offer. "Are you sure," he asked. Again, I smiled and nicely declined. (My boss was near by and I was trying to be as professional as possible.) Then the security guard asked one last time. This time I quickly glanced at my boss, looked at him and said sure. OMG! It was awesome! It was my first time sitting on a motorcycle. This past June, I finally got my first ride on a motorcycle - it was even more fun than I thought it would be. I can't wait to go again!
OK, in attempt to keep the ball somewhat rolling, I tag and challenge the following bloggers to follow my Friday Freaky Fun Fact & Foto lead:
jennantonnix - I know I still owe her a package and I want her to know I haven't forgotten and I feel bad about it.
daisysmom - I know she looks at my blog often and enjoys it - which I appreciate knowing.
littledragonfly - It's been too long since we've talk. . .
sarahdluck - Long time no talk!
britnlind - Thanks for the cookie recipe!
Fluff, fluff and more fluff
In Hanukkah News . . .
Man eats 7 pounds of latkes to win NY contest - Yahoo! News
Out of the ordinary news . . .
I hope the woman gave the cleaning crew who found this a nice reward.
Diamond in the rough: Museum finds vacuumed gem - Yahoo! News
From CNN.com:
Internet 2008
Knitting Related:
This is for the obsessed knitter.
The Happy Dance
Yes! Yes! That's me doing the Happy Dance! I just got some really good news and it has me jumpin' up and down. . .
. . . You may now return to your regularly scheduled activities.
... And You Thought You Got Screwed In Your Divorce Settlement
Click below to read the article:
Knit One, Save One Hat
It's so small and tiny I couldn't help but keep looking at it and thinking how adorable it was . . . and I wasn't the only one. . . .

Even one of my frog friends wanted to take a look.
Not too long after I finished the first one, I started to make another. I will post pictures once that one is complete!
Until later I hope you consider contributing to this worthwhile cause. . . it's not too late!
It's All About Yelp Today
Where should I start?
I guess at the beginning . . . The invite said "cocktail attire" so I figured why not take the opportunity to girl-it-up.
Though I am a t-shirt and jeans girl at heart, there is a part of me that enjoys picking out the perfect dress, shoes, accessories, and fixing up my hair just right. I did all those things for this event. Actually, I got a lot of compliments on my dress which is always appreciated. Oh, while were talking shoes - I believe I have redeemed myself and earned the right to be taken off girl card probation. Actually I liked the shoes I got so much I not only wanted them in the black patten I ended up purchasing but in the purple multi color they also come in (yes, when I find a shoe I like I try to get it in different colors), but alas I could not find my size and honestly I could think of more practical things to spend the money on.

So I was all girled-up, now what?
Getting there from the burbs was a bit of a challenge. The departure time got delayed because getting ready took longer then expected. Then traffic was just crappy and apparently taking side streets doesn't speed things up either. However, at the end of the day I got there and that is all that matters!
Let the Party Begin. . .
Here are my thoughts on the party itself (taken from my Yelp review of the party) -
"I couldn't have picked a better event to make my first Yelp event.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you . . . to Colleen and crew for putting together a wonderful party.
Everything was perfect! Tasty food, tasty drinks! Amazing performers. Oh, and the people . . . great people. It was a treat to finally meet some of you fine folks in real life.
It was the perfect way to end 2008 . . . and I look forward to another fun year of Yelping in 2009!"
Location! Location! Location!
The party was held at Architectural Artifacts. Wow! What a great place... Here's what I had to say about it on Yelp.
"It's all about the space. . .
And there is plenty of it. This place is a funky, spacious, unique space that is perfect for large parties. The openness gives anyone having an event here the option to make it into whatever they want it to be. My only regret in terms of exploring the space is not going out to the garden area - I guess I'll have to do that next time!
My rating is purely based on my experience attending the Winter Holiday Yelp event. Last night was my first visit to Architectural Artifacts, but I'd love to go during regular business hours to see what they've got on display then. From what I could see in terms of the items they sell this place is extremely high end and way out of my price range. However, it doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to check things out
Close to public transportation and lots of parking as well is just plus Artifacts has going for it.
All in all, I'm a fan!"
What Now?
Ah yes, after all the time and energy put into this one event, likes all good things it eventually had to end. I have the good memories from the evening out and I will never forget them. I look forward to other Yelp events and other occasions there will be to dress up once again.
I know I said this in my posting about the event, but I want to make sure to say a big thanks to Colleen, Andrea and crew for a great party! Y'all did a great job!
Lorna's Laces announced yesterday a new colorway - Roadside Gerry. This is one of the "top secret" things we learned about on our tour this past Saturday.
Oh what a beautiful colorway it is! Some of us wanted to buy a hank, or two, while we were there, but that was not gonna happen. Oh well! The color has been released and will be in stores soon. Yay!
And then there was more yarn talk. . .
Apparently one of yarn shops local to my mother's area went out of business. It also appears that someone my mother knows is friends with the owner of said yarn shop so they picked up A LOT of yarn, buttons, trimmings, etc and I am welcome to some - Yay to the friend of Froggie's Mom!
Chix with Stix is another local yarn shop that I've been to recently. I've been meaning to go there for a while because they support the Knit One, Save One campaign and are offering knitters a free skein of yarn to make hats for premature babies so they stay warm over the winter months.
This is a cause close to my heart as I have two family members that were born premature (about five weeks early).
I know I've posted about this cause in the past, but please take a moment to visit their website and learn more about this great program - Knit One, Save One
Among the random thoughts I had yesterday, I realized that the e-mail address associated with this blog is separate from my personal one. This prompted me to actually check the e-mail account "just in case" someone actually wrote into it. Low-and-behold someone did . . . This random thought also made me realize I should set-up this address in my mail client. Now I will have a better chance of receiving and replying in a more timely manner.
As a follow-up to my shoe dilemma (for lack of a better way to put it) . . . I actually found a kick-ass pair of shoes for my outfit. The best part is that they are versatile so I will be able to wear them with a lot of different things. I think I am going to do one more swing by some local shoe stores to make sure they are the pair I want for sure. I would post a picture of them, but my camera battery is still dead.
Sadly, this whole camera battery debacle is leaving me with a few gaps in my 2008 365 photo project. I've been able to borrow a camera here and there from friends to snap a shot, but nothing on a regular basis until I get a new charger. Oh well! Out of 365 I think missing a handful of days is better than stopping altogether.
I actually am way behind on posting pictures. I guess that is another "to do" for the weekend. :)
On that note, I will say farewell. . . for now. Happy knitting to all!
What Is This World Coming Too?
Thieves swipe woman's unfinished knitting project
08:47 AM PST on Wednesday, December 3, 2008
By KING Staff
Cassie Schorsch's knitting project was taken from her car.
MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, Wash. - There are 23 days to Christmas, but a Mountlake Terrace woman says she doesn't have time to re-knit a sweater she planned to give her dad.
Cassie Schorsch says the sweater was half-way finished, with the knitting needles still in it.
"I was furious, spittin' nails mad. I've spent so many hours on that sweater. There's probably 100 and 150 hours of work on that sweater already," she said.
Cassie says she has no idea why the unfinished sweater was stolen.
She says an extra skein of yarn, and a small zippered pouch with crochet hooks, yarn needles, double-pointed needles, and a measuring tape were also taken.
She is offering a reward if someone finds the sweater.
Her CD player and CD's were not taken.
Why Am I Not Surprised!?
NY Times Online - Illinois Governor Charged in Scheme to Sell Obama’s Seat
What's Your Passion?
Beth Casey, owner of Lorna's Laces, and the owner of Loopy Yarns, located in Chicago's downtown Loop, are other examples of people who have made a career out of their passion. Both quit their "Corporate America" jobs and became involved in the crafts industry. One took over a successful hand-dyed yarn manufacturing company and the

I bring all this up because I've thought, and talked, a lot this past weekend about what I would do if I were to make my passion(s) my career. Yes, when you make your passion a career there is the reality that it is work and that could potentially make you less passionate about it. However, it's inspiring to see people taking a chance and chasing the dream of true happiness in their careers. Seeing this brings to me a sense of hope that I do not see anywhere else in our world today. It gives me the push to think, "If they can do it, why can't I?"
Maybe in a couple of days this euphoria I am currently experiencing will wear off and reality will once again reside in the nook of my brain where all these aspirations are currently. I hope that will not be the case, but if it is that is fine by me because I know that in time the aspirations will come back once again. Once again I will be reminded that I do not have to settle and that I can, if I wish, one day make them reality.
Before the Crack Was Even a Crack
That is when I got up today - before the crack of dawn was even a crack. . .
So what had me up THAT early you ask?
One of my friends (who would like to be known on my blog as "Froggie's Friend #1") and I took a field trip with a handful of others to Lorna's Laces to tour their facilities and get a lesson in hand dying yarn.
What it took to get there and back . . .
* One 5 AM alarm (which meant I slept in until about 6:15 AM even though I had to be ready to leave my place by 6:30 AM)
* To keep warm - Two hats, two scarves, one winter coat over my already warm clothes and one pair of boots
* One cup of steaming hot coffee
* Two train rides going and two train rides coming back
As we trudged through the snow and sipped our coffee. . .
My fellow knitters and I discussed how it was nice to be amongst others who understood why all this effort was worth it "just for yarn."
When we finally arrived at Lorna's Laces . . .
We were greeted by the owner - Beth Casey, her husband and their dog - Pearl. (Sorry to Beth's husband for not remembering his name)
In the beginning . . .
Beth shared with us how she became the owner of Lorna's, all about the different yarns they sell and even a secret or two about some new yarns that will be available soon (... and yes, we all signed confidentiality agreements so I can't reveal what they are)
And then there was . . .
A dying demo - try more like we saw 40 hanks of a new color that is coming out soon being dyed. I have to say it was really cool. I even picked up a few tips on what I can do differently the next time I attempt to dye yarn.
Last, but of course never least . . .
The group had a chance to shop the sale yarn. All said and done the damage was not that bad (at least for me).
In summary . . .
Overall, it was a great time. Sadly, my camera battery was way low on juice so I did not take any pictures of the excursion. I guess that means I just need to go back again at some point.
That is all for now folks. As always, until later . . . Ciao!
What If You Said Hello to Everyone In Your Path for a Month?
They're Taking Away My Girl Card

Who is "they" and why is my "girl card" being taken away you ask. . .
Well, it mainly has to do with a comment I made regarding my lack of interest in shoe shopping. Yes, you heard me right, Froggie has not been interested in shoe shopping over the past several months.
I really didn't think about it until recently when I started putting together what I was going to wear for a special occasion. I have the clothes chosen and I decided how my hair will be done, but had no shoes for said occasion. I happened to mention this to a friend of mine and made the comment that I really wasn't interested in shoe shopping. My friend suddenly uttered the words, "Your girl card should be taken away." I guess I was a little taken a back by the comment because it came from one of my guy friends - what the hell would he know about what the requirements for a "girl card" are!? So, I just blew off the comment (sorry, it's not personal!) However, then I got to thinking about what was said and I asked another guy friend of mine about the comment I made. He agreed for the most part with the initial assessment. He did say that taking away the card completely would be a bit extreme and that my comment at least warranted a "warning."
So, I consider myself warned.
Even though I should be, I haven't had the time to knit lately which mean I have nothing knitting related to write about. Instead, I will end this entry with this fine video - enjoy!
Until later . . . Ciao!
Froggie v33.0

My dad use to tell me there are two things you can count on in life - death and taxes. I would like to propose a third thing - snow on my bday. I can list very few years that we have not got some degree of snow on November 30th. So when I walked outside this morning to find it snowing I began to chuckle as it was, in my mind, officially my bday.
Normally every year I pull out my birth certificate to find out what time I was born (for some reason I cannot seem to remember the exact time even though I've been doing this for years) so I can watch the clock turn to the exact time; this year I did not I did not think about doing this at all until I went to check the time so I could decide whether or not I wanted to leave where I was. I do not know if there is any significance to skipping this tradition, but I just found it of interest.
I learned a very important lesson this weekend that I would like to pass on to anyone and everyone I possibly can . . . Do not go clothes shopping after you've eaten! It has to be the WORST time to try clothes on.
A story about Words -
A friend of mine who is a teacher was telling me a cute story about a student of theirs who said they wished words did not exist. When asked why, the student went on to explain that if words did not existed than they would not have the assignment to write something. If they did not have that assignment than they would not be frustrated by having to find the right words for the assignment.
I guess the moral of all this is that finding the right words can be frustrating at any age.
"Time Tested Beauty Tips" is a poem that was written by Sam Levenson for his grandchild and a favorite of Audrey Hepburn. I am not going to post the whole poem in this segment of my blog - here's a link to it (Time Tested Beauty Tips). The portion I am going quote basically describes my mindset on beauty. I am posting this because one of my friends and I have had several conversations lately about this very topic (what makes a woman beautiful) and I feel these are the words that best describe where I am coming from with my opinion.
"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."
I started making some hats for my great nephew. He is almost a year old and has out grown all his hats from last year (as one would expect). I know I talked about this back in October (or there abouts), but the drastic change in the weather here got me to realize that it's time to make them. No more procrastinating.
I am also in the process of finding a sock pattern I like for my mom's socks. After I find that all I will need is her foot measurements. Meanwhile, I am gearing up to make holiday gifts for my friends.
'Tis the season to be knitting.
On that note, I will be signing off. Until later . . . Ta! Ta!
Froggie v.32.12
Speaking of birthdays, my mom loved the scarf I made her. Now, normally I would be all over taking pictures of it, but I was in such a rush that I forgot to take a few. Oh well! It turned out really nice and as I said she liked it - that is all that truly matters. Now it's time to work on making my holiday presents for my friends and family.
I don't have much else to share. It's a balmy 30 degrees out and there is no snow to be seen (yet) so I think it's time to venture outside.
Until later. . . Ta! Ta!
Giving Thanks

It is Thanksgiving and all around people gathered to recognize the many blessings in their lives. My family was no different. . .
My family actually has a great tradition. Before we eat our Thanksgiving meal, everyone at the table says what they are thankful for. Personally I love this tradition. This year however shocked me a bit because not one person at the table had a dry eye by the time we got finished. We all teared up at some point. By the last person there were silly things being interjected here and there just for a bit of comic relief. It was a very humbling thing to witness. That said, personally, I actually only got out one thing I am thankful for . . . It's not because I only had one thing I'm thankful for, had I continued onto the many other things I would have been full-out balling - and at that point no one would have understood a thing I was saying. This left me with a whole laundry list of things I did not get to mention (including my "silly" stuff).
With that in mind here are just a few of those things . . .
I am thankful for:
* My Family
Despite our differences they without question were my rock during the darkest and scariest days of my life ever. I do not know what I would have done without them. Honestly, I do not know what I would do without them even if things had not been so rough. I owe them a lifetime of gratitude.
* My Friends
Just like my family, my friends are an amazing group of people for whom I also owe a lifetime worth of gratitude too. I am grateful for my long-lasting friendships, for friendships that have been renewed after many years apart and for my new friendships with people I feel like I've known a lifetime.
There are two individuals that I would like to single out because they are two of my oldest and dearest friends. (You guys know who you are.) Combined, I've known both these people a total of 40 years (21 years and 19 years respectively). Over the years these friends have weathered many ups and downs with me and for that I am grateful. At one point I thought one of these friendships was over for good, but when I needed this person the most they were there for me without question or hesitation. That is a true friend.
* My Life
* My Inner Strength
* The lovely meal I got to partake in this evening and the food I am provided day-after-day-after-day
* My Job
* Laughter
* The amazing opportunities I've been presented with this year
* The ability to look back past all the bad and remember that there was good that did exist - and more importantly the ability to smile when I remember those things
* A new found perspective on life and what is and is not worth getting upset about
* New leadership in our country
* Knitting - Not only have I made some incredibly beautiful things, it has been a great source of calm and led me to some great friendships.
(these are just a few of the many things I am thankful for - there are many, many more)
On lighter side of things, I am thankful:
* That the library only charges $0.10/day for overdue books vs. the $0.25 for CDs and $1/$2 for DVDs.
* For homemade Apple Pie
* For Yelp - Without it I don't know where I'd get to add my two cents about places I've been.
* For Ravelry - It's the holy grail of knitting (enough said)
* That not ALL foods contain High Fructose Corn Syrup - otherwise there would be nothing for me to eat this whole month.
* That after my next hair cut I will be that much closer to having my natural hair color back.
* For frogs
* For the internal optimism which leads me to believe that the post office will one day stop delivering me mail that isn't mine and that 2009 is "the year" for the Cubs.
On that note, I am going to sign off.
It is my hope that everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy Birthday Froggie's Mom (known to me as Mom)!
Feeling Green?

Earlier this week I mentioned how rundown I had been feeling, well it all came to a head last night and this morning. Today I was suppose to go into work for half a day then take half a vacation day. However, as I was getting ready for work I took one look in the mirror at my face and I realized the minute I walked into the office they were going to make me go home (or at least that is what I would have done). I'm sure it came as no surprise to both my boss and one of my coworkers when they heard I wasn't feeling well because when I had left last night it was showing. I actually took work home with me "just in case."
While I rested, I got a chance to seriously goof around online which led me to Michael Moore's latest documentary that was about getting young adults out to the polls.
Ok, I want to take a moment to mention two things - 1) I am a documentary junkie. I <3 documentaries; and 2) I do enjoy Michael Moore documentaries. I think once you get past his extreme tactics, obvious biases and random crap the man makes some good points and has some significant messages.
All that said, so far what I have seen of the documentary is good.
I've been thinking about skydiving a lot lately. I think it's because it's come up in conversation with a few people here and there over the past week. Unfortunately it's too late to take my second jump due to the temperature. I guess it will have to wait until spring time. Until then, I have the memories of the first jump.
I frogged the scarf. Now I have less than 7 days to finish it.
Well, that's all for now. . . until later. . . Ciao!
Coming and Going; Going and Coming
My best laugh comes when I read the sign above the open tolling area that reads something to the like of, "State of IL Open Road Tolling thanks to Governor Rod R. Blagojevich." Like I said, it's not verbatim, but you get the point. A coworker and I were talking about this today and they said they have never encountered any other toll system where the governor's name was splashed across that particular state's version of open road tolling. I guess if our fine Governor has done one good thing during his time as the leader of this state, it's bringing open road tolling to the masses and helping with traffic congestion - that warranted the constant recognition, right!?. Maybe if he appoints himself President-elect Obama's replacement then he can make sure everyone in the county has open road tolling and knows it was he who helped them out.
More comments about driving in my fine state -
I did take somewhat of a different way back from Indy this last trip at the suggestion of some people I know. They said it would be faster and I would go through less tolls. Instead of taking the tri-state like my GPS wanted me to do, I took I80 to the 355 extension that opened about this time last year. Apparently the GPS satellite maps aren't updated because according to this particular one I was driving in the middle of a field and I needed to make a U turn. The trip took me through, around, some of my favorite south suburbs that I do not get to that often such as Frankfort, Lemont, Homer Glen, Mokena, Oak Lawn, Orland Park and Tinley Park. (I think this is the part of the drive where I was so ready to get home that I needed to do something to stay awake - so I memorized the names of the towns I passed through.)
I need to get back to taking more pictures. Even though I've been meeting my Project 365 requirement I really want to explore different areas and capture those sights they have to offer. Alas, at this point I think I am just waiting to see what kind of after Thanksgiving sales camera shops have. I've narrowed it down the SLR camera I wanted (I think). Now I just want to get the best price possible.
So what is Yelp anyway?
In one of my recent posts I mentioned that I was going to leave my comments about the yarn shop that sells the $130 yarn on Yelp. It got me to thinking that some of y'all might not know what Yelp is.
In a few words, Yelp is a fun peer-to-peer web site where you can write and read reviews about local businesses. You can also socialize with other Yelpers in the area - online and in real life.
Here's a Yelp Documentary on what Yelp is.
In all seriousness it's a lot of fun and you should check it out!
My second Drop Stitch Scarf was coming along nicely until I accidentally picked up a stitch and then decided to drop a stitch a few rows later. I thought this would even everything out, but not the additional stitches are very noticeable - at least to me. Maybe it's just my OCD tendencies coming out. I'll have to show it to another knitter to see if I am overreacting. All I know is that the scarf needs to be done by next Thursday - additional stitches or not.
I just looked at the calendar to find out when Hanukkah is this year. It's later than normal this year, but that is good for me. It means once I finish the scarf I can start on the socks for my mom and make those her Hanukkah present.
Well, that is all for now. . . it's time to rest.
Until later, BB!
What Did I Win?
Hell Is Real
This is actually a written on a billboard I saw once on I65 as I headed to Indianapolis. I loved the sign so much that I was all prepared to take a picture of it on my next trip down, but I didn't see it. . . I know it's because I was looking for it. Maybe another day; another trip.
Speaking of Indy, I heard a rumor that this one knit shop in Indy had yarn that cost $130. Seriously! I had to check it out.
Here's a picture:
They had many different colors, but of course I was drawn to the purple since it's my favorite color. Honestly I was shocked it wasn't under lock-and-key. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty and all, but I'm still trying to figure out how one spends THAT much on just one small hank.
Aside from the expensive yarn, I really enjoyed walking about this particular yarn shop. I'd get into the details of my visit, but that is what Yelp is for so I'll save my thoughts on this shop for that site.
There is more I could write about, but once again it's late and I'm tired. Honestly, I think it's the cold I have that is running me ragged. Yes, the cold weather has arrived and it's time to break out a box of facial tissues.
Before I leave, here's something to think about . . .
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
- Leo Tolstoy
Until later . . . Ta! Ta
Not a Post Post
This is how I feel right now. . . so I'm going to sleep. I will be back tomorrow with a real post as there is a lot on my mind to share (whether or not I'll get to it all is yet to be seen).
Until then. . . Sweet Dreams to all!
Evening Edition
Drop Stitch Scarf - The Sequel:
Also. . .
Yes, it's that time of year. The holidays are upon us and I've decided to knit Christmas inspired gifts for my friends that celebrate Christmas.
For anyone who has bought yarn for this holiday you know that it doesn't seem like many, if at all any, manufactures make Christmas yarn that comes in a skein less than 600 yards. Now I like my friends, and would do almost anything for them, but what I'm making doesn't not even begin to require 600 yards of Christmas yarn. Actually, with 600 yards I could make my friends who celebrate Christmas AND Jewish friends gifts with Christmas yarn and STILL have enough left over for the next 20 years of holiday knitting. Thankfully, CathyR was nice enough to give me her leftover Christmas yarn so I wouldn't have to endure such heartache. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
That was all I wanted to add. . . Ta! Ta!
They are Tara Spa Aromatherapy products. I got mine as a gift last year for my birthday. I don't know that I would ever be able to thank the person who got it for me enough. And yes, I do expect that I will get some sort of commission from the Tera Spa people now for every neck and eye pillow they sell because of my plug.
In all seriousness, it was nice to have time to just veg and relax. The fact that I wasn't running somewhere or needing to get something done was nice. It actually motivated me to do some of the cleaning and organizing around my place that I had been avoiding . . . mainly in the form of unpacking some of the "not so super urgent, but it would be nice to know what was in them" boxes that have been sitting around since I moved. BTW - I firmly believe that everyone has those types of boxes sitting around no matter how long they've been living somewhere.
Thought of the Day:
"Advice is like snow --- the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Quote of the Day:
Spoken by my friend "eldashwood" (paraphrased). . .
"Men measure their jeans size by inches; women measure it by grams of fat."
So true! So true!
I found this story on the New York Times website - Say Goodbye to Blackberry? Yes He Can, Maybe - which talks about why President-elect Barack Obama will have to surrender his Crackberry . . . umm. . . I mean Blackberry prior to becoming our 44th President.
I finally took pictures of the completed Drop Stitch Scarf:
I liked how it turned out so much that I started another one using the yarn that was going to be a Windy City Scarf. Depending on how the new one turns out, I will most likely keep the first one and give the second as a gift. Or, maybe I'll give them both as a gift. I guess only time will tell.
I think that's all for now . . . Until later, ciao!
Lots and Lots of Quotes
Thought of the Day:
"The heart of a fool is his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is his heart." - Benjamin Franklin
Life Thoughts By Ducky:

"Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over?"
(I found this one particularly amusing because the other day some friends and I were saying that one day there will be such a thing as brain bleach that you can apply when you want to wipe an unpleasant memory out of your brain - kind of like "Men in Black" meets Mr. Clean)
Aaron Freeman - Comedian - talking about Gratitude and Anger (Paraphrased):
"The nice thing about gratitude is that you can't be grateful and angry at the same time."
"Some women like to sit down with trouble as if it were knitting."
- Ellen Glasgow
I find the above quote intriguing though I'm not sure exactly what its meaning is. I guess I have one more thing to think about when I knit.
Being Private In A Public Forum
Thought of the Day:
"Our life is what our thoughts make it."
- Marcus Aurelius
I finished my scarf! Yay! It only took a day or two to make. I don't have pictures of the finished object, but I do have a picture I took the other day while it was in progress...
Here's the pattern: Easy Drop Stitch Scarf
I'm very pleased with this scarf. It's really cool! I even had a friend ask me about the pattern because they liked the one I made so much.
That's all for now . . . Ta! Ta!
Never Forget

Things That Amaze Me
The "Huge-Ass Baby Blanket" is completed as of this weekend. All I need to do is sew on a small little detail (or at least try) and ship it off to the soon-to-be parents.
I'm not one to brag, but I often get compliments on these blankets and have even had a few people ask me how much I'd charge if I was commissioned to make one. When I give people the exact price to say they are surprised is putting it nicely. It is amazing that people don't realize the value of something that is handmade. The amount of time, dedication and care that goes into a handmade item is immense - regardless of the craft.
I officially have knitting ADD. I decided this this at knit group this weekend when my in ability to focus on fingerless gloves had me frogging the project once again. I then I played with the idea of making a scarf, but I didn't have the right needless until I got home.
We also explored the reasons behind needing so much yarn in our respective stashes. I still haven't spent any of the gift card on yarn which I'm amazed by. I figured surely by now I'd have several new hanks of sock yarn waiting to be used. Guess I totally haven't entered the dark side like I once thought.
Apparently there are chocolate bars that are made without high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup. Who knew? I was amazed. I got one of these precious gems from a friend of mine. Some interesting side notes about this treat is that 1) it's kosher and 2) the inside wrapper has random pieces of information printed on it. They are actually interesting. Yes, the candy was tasty!
The HFCS challenge is still going well. I was commenting the other day that I wish I had weighed myself before I started this challenge. It would have been interesting to see the impact this change makes on my body (if any at all).
My iPod decided to go for a swim. I'm talking fully submerged in water. You can imagine my panic when this happen. However, so far it's still working as normal. I even synced a few new things onto it just to make sure. I'm feeling really lucky on this one!
Well, those are just a few things I'm amazed by. Until later. . . Ta! Ta!
I Won Something!
That's all for now! Happy Knitting All!
Now What?
A conversation I had with my mom yesterday has me anticipating the arrival of some mail... mainly because she won't tell me what it is she's mailing me. The part of all this that makes me laugh so much is that she wouldn't even out right tell me she was going to mail me something. The first call was made by her. It went something like this:
Froggie: Hi
Froggie's Mom: Your address is - x xxxxxx xxxxxx, right!?
(What did you think I was actually going to give everyone who reads my blog my home address?)
Froggie: Hello to you too. Yes, that is my address.
Froggie's Mom: Ok.
Froggie: Why did you want to know?
Froggie's Mom: Oh, no reason really. Ok, I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you.
Froggie: Love you too.
Now how could this conversation not make me wonder what I was getting in the mail from her? Six/seven hours later, after wondering all night long what was so important I have that she was compelled to mail it to me rather just wait until we see each other again - it's not like we never see each other. So I had to give her a call -
Froggie: So, what did you send me?
(Yes, yes, I didn't say hi first)
Froggie's Mom: Oh, it's nothing.
Froggie: Surely it has to be something if you feel the need to mail it to me.
Froggie's Mom: Don't worry, it's ok.
Finally I had to leave it alone because she wouldn't tell me what was being sent. Now I have all these ideas of what it "might" be, but won't know until it gets to me. I was hoping it would have been in yesterday's mail, but no such luck. I find it funny that it takes two days for a letter to make it between two locations within the same metropolitan area. All in all, she's got me wondering what it could be.
The HFCS challenge is going well. Thursday really showed me how much I rely on candy to give me an extra boost during the day when I am very tired. This challenge has also made me more label conscious which I know I should be all the time. When I was looking for an afternoon snack at work yesterday I actually got online to find out if goldfish crackers had the forbidden ingredient. For those that would like to know - it doesn't. I feel the need to mention that it's really hard to find an actual list of ingredients online for any given food. Yes, you can find the nutrition information for most items without any problems, but the actual ingredient isn't as easy. I finally found the info I was looking for on goldfish crackers off the Walgreens website of all place.
I know for a fact that as the end of this challenge near I will be asking myself "Now what?" in terms of what I want, and plan, to take from this experience.
I finished up two dish rags for the swap partner I'm sending a box of goodies too. There was just one small problem. My second dish rag didn't turn out anything like it should have. So, I think I need to make another one.
This a cool charity knitting project that I'm going to participate in this winter. It's a project through Save the Children, an organization that works to change the lives of children around the world by helping them and their families help themselves. This particular program revolves around knitting/crocheting caps for babies to keep them warm during the winter.
Here's more about the initiative:
If you are a knitter, or crocheter, I encourage you to consider participating in this worthwhile project.
For knitters and crocheters in the Chicagoland area, Chix with Stix in Forrest Park is offering a free skein of yarn to use for the Knit One, Save One hat project. Check out info on this by clicking on this link: Chix with Stix - Knit One, Save One
On that note, I think believe this post is complete. Until later. . .
This Is The Type of Mail I Like
Man did I pick a crappy time to give up HFCS and corn syrup. I guess all my sweet treats will have to be put away for December 1st.
(To any of my friends who may be looking at my blog and thinking they would be happy to help eliminate the temptation any of the sweet treats may cause I would like to say thank you for the thoughtful offer, but I will be just fine and do not need your assistance.)
The arrival of Edith's package was another reminder that I still haven't sent my swap buddy's box yet. Thankfully, she has been very understanding of my hectic schedule. The second dish rag I plan to include in the box is in progress at the moment.
I do have a bunch of things on my mind to write about however I am extremely tired so they will have to wait.
Until later ... BB!
froggie knits like crazy by Tracey M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.froggieknitslikecrazy.com.