

Answers Please

There is this episode of Friends where Rachel says she needs someone to make all her decisions for her (or, at least those pertaining to romance) and Monica volunteers. How nice would that be? Have someone to make all your decisions for you. As far as I'm concerned that would just be grand!

Yesterday, I was catching-up with KP about a lot of different things (because we never talk). During the conversation I told her I wanted her to start making all my decisions for me. I think it caught her off guard. No, I hadn't been watching the Friends episode I referenced above - it just popped into my mind.

I don't deal well with unknowns. Or maybe I should say, I don't deal well with having a lot of unknowns. Let's face it, life in general is one big unknown. However, it's nice to have some things in your world that you know for sure. A foundation of sorts. It makes making decisions easier. Have you ever had to make a decision not having many solid facts? Not easy, let me tell ya.

So, I enlisted my "Monica" for the job. As flattered as she was, KP passed. She wasn't sure she'd be much better at it. Sigh.

There are 17 days left to 2009 and lots of unknowns. Maybe I'm going through all this so I will get to a place where I'm more comfortable with the unknown. Or, become more of a "go with the flow" person than I've already become. Who knows. In the meantime I have to wonder, where is that life decoder ring when you need it?

Until later . . .

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