

In 15 Blurbs Or Less

• "Should we start planning for next time, sometime in mid-2011?"

• Better late than never.

• I have resisted the temptation of the Dizzy Sheep - I must be sick.

• In some messed-up way I kind of feel sorry for her.

"Festivus for the rest of us."

• And that is one more thing that will go on my project list.

• Gee, I didn't get that memo about myself - thank you for the update!

• At what point does she understand her jokes are grossly inappropriate?

• "Gee, it's like she's your mother or something."

• "Oh, I mean awesome in the most awesomeness way possible."

• When she said "MAC" I thought she meant the computer, not the cosmetics company.

• There seems to be a wave of insomnia making it's way around these parts.

• "You get paid to be paranoid."

• It's like ice skating with your car.

Until later . . .

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