

Bowling With Blankie

Blankie went bowling tonight. So, this report is coming to you a little later than "normal" - whatever normal may be.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 22, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 325

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 411

So, the monster didn't grow that much over the past week. Mainly do to lack of yarn for square, but also due to the fact that I've been working feverishly on my mom's pedicure socks. I have to admit, I like having a break from working on squares, but this week yield 50-some things of minis which means I'm back to the grind of making mitered squares. I have to say, it's a bit overwhelming to have all these minis in my possession. This is the most I've ever had at one time. And there are more coming my way. (Now may be a good time to lock myself into my place and get crankin on squares.)

I am still hell-bent on transporting this monster around with me. As it grows it is getting a bit harder to manipulate as I add squares, but I am forging ahead!

Spinner and I were talking today and somehow the topic of this monstrous project came up. (I honestly can't recall how the topic came up since we weren't even talking about anything knitting or fiber related.) She asked how big it had gotten. I told her. It was at that point she told me I would need to take a picture with it so she could have a point of reference of its size. I then explained that it covers my ottoman, dining room table and cedar chest quite nicely. That helped. In the next couple of days I will be seeing Spinner so I've decided I will have to show her blankie since she has heard so much about it.

Last on my agenda this evening is to report that all the swapping drama has ceased! Yay!!! I was relieved by this. As I said earlier, it made something that was suppose to be fun somewhat stressful. So we are now moving forward and swapping in 2010 will be all fun and no drama!

Until later . . .

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