


• Cold gone

• Hair cut; brows waxed

• Rested

I'm feeling back to normal. Or, at least as normal as normal gets. It's amazing the difference a few days of rest, a humidifier and a hair cut/eye brow wax can make. Just those few things have made me feel human again.

There is no denying that winter is here. And though it does take me an extra 5 minutes getting out of my place these days due to the extra accessories I need to wear, I'm taking it all in stride. I keep telling myself that the next three and half months will pass in no time. (Please someone remind of this in mid-January when I'm bitching about the weather.)

Aside from having to sport the every so sexy snow boats and winter coat, another tell-tale sign that winter has arrived is the reemergence of my Tera Spa neck pillow. It's my third winter with this fantastic item. And yes, I'm still waiting for my commission check from the Tara Spa people. Apparently they didn't get the memo last year when I plugged this thing for them. It's been very helpful with R&R lately. I am very thankful to the person who got this for me.

Since I had some time on my hands the past day or two, I worked on finishing the first of my mom's pedicure socks. I feel the need to say that someone is going to have to take these from me after the second one is finished and give them to my mom. Otherwise they will not make it to her. The pattern works perfectly for the yarn and the color is really pretty. They are also so comfy! It was a bit weird casting off with a sock. I've never casted-off in the round. I'm playing with the idea of attaching a toe cover onto them so they are multi-functional. I think I'll make the second sock and then decided base upon how much yarn I have left.

Last night was the first Hanukkah celebration of the season. There were lots of Latkes and Dreidel playing. Our Dreidel was a bit dysfunctional, but it served its purpose. Did I mention the Latkes? YUMMY! I kept stuffing my face with them. I am so down for any holiday that serves fried foods, but one that celebrates fried potatoes is even better in my book!

After dinner, we worked-off our Latkes with some Wii action. I swear folks, one of these days someone is going to get carpal tunnel from this thing. I wasn't half-bad at Tennis and Table Tennis however I ROCKED Sword Fighting. Yes, I'm very proud of this accomplishment. At one point we connected the Wii to the internet and I tried checking out Rav. (I'm a special kind of knitting geek.) Come on, what else does one do when taking a break from playing Wii? Unfortunately, Rav didn't like my password so I didn't get a chance to geek-out a bit. (At least not at that moment.)

Despite any moaning and groaning I've done and mixed emotions I may feel about this time of year at the end of the day I do enjoy the holidays - for the most part. It's a hard balance for me. One of my favorite things about this time of year is looking at the lights adorning local homes. They can be so pretty. There is one house that has what I call "the gum-drops." I call them that because that's what their bushes look like with lights around them. One of these days I need to take a picture. (You'd totally agree.) I'm sad about this year's questionable house. I really, really, really want to like it, but I can't. It's such a nice house, but . . . Granted, it isn't as bad as this one house that basically throws-up lawn decorations for every season/occasion possible, but still, this one is a close second. If you saw this you would think the same as I. "It's like Pokeman cards." I just don't understand. Last time I was in the area I took another swing by thinking I was too quick to judge. A friend of mine even had to check it out because I was perplexed by it so much. Yeah, Pokeman - for both of us. Oh well! Can't win 'em all, can ya!?

Keeping with the holiday kick I seem to be on . . . With my last sock club shipment came a second pattern for a Christmas Stocking. When I pulled it out I just stared at it and wondered what the hell I was going to do with it. Now, if it was a few years ago and I was still celebrating Christmas with the ex's fam I would have totally whipped one of those puppies up in a heartbeat - maybe even two. Actually I probably would have been running to get yarn the minute I opened the shipment. However, that wasn't the case. I've tossed around a few alternate uses such as:

• Use it as a Swift holder (which Hanukkah Hannah will be bring me this year); or

• Fill it up with Dreidels and Hannukah Gelt; or

• Reduce the size and making it a place to store my Menorah (Hanuka).

In all seriousness, I will probably make a stocking just for the experience of it - you never know when it will come in handy. I have a huge thing of worsted that I got from a friend that would work just perfectly.

That's all for now, I guess. I have to decide how I plan to proceed with my day - so many options, so little time.

Until later . . .

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