

Don't Push Send

• Once it's out there, it's out there

• Mom vs. child - Mom seems to always win

• Home Sweet Home!

• "It's like Pokeman cards."

• "A special kind of asshole."

"Somebody's Watching Me"

• Browniegate

• Yes, the fresh cranberries made them "healthy"

• As long as I get my yarn I don't care who signs for it

• "i have more colorful language i could use, but i'd probably lose my google account over it somehow. :P"

• Twenty years and no fights

• I think I'm starting to make them a bit nervous . . .

• Yes! One more person has drank the Kool Aid! On to the next victim . . .

• H1N1 - To get the vaccine or not get the vaccine, that is the question

Until later . . .

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