If you've read my blog long enough, it shouldn't be a surprise to you if I said that for better or worse, I love my friends to death. They are just an extension of my immediate family as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I know a lot of people, but at the end of the day there are is a small circle of individuals are truly consider "good friends."
I am thankful for them. One of the beautiful things about friendship is that these are the people who choose to share their life with you and for whom you choose to share yours with. And, that is even after they've been exposed to your very own special brand personality. (Yeah, this is the "no matter what part of the deal.") I try not to take my friendships for granted, but it's not something I go around thanking each and every one of them for on a regular basis. (Life seems to get in the way of that all too often.)
So, what is motivating this "sap-fest"?
Well, two things . . .
The first is that I've been thinking about friendships I've lost over the years. One in particular. It was a circumstantial loss and one that I think about periodically. I also didn't end the friendship very gracefully. I really wasn't in the place to do so. I just knew that it had to end because I wasn't comfortable being friends with them when I knew they were friends with someone else that I no longer was going to have anything to do with. I felt there was a conflict of interest I guess you can say. In the end I knew I did the right thing, but I hate that I never explained this point to them. I just shut them out. This is the second time I had ended a friendship in an abrupt manner. Thankfully, I am now friends again with the first person. (Thank you BFF for forgiving me.) However, this particular friendship I speak of above is one that I don't believe I'll ever rekindle which is a bit sad. However, people come into your life sometime just for a brief moment and it what we take from that time together that is important. There is surely a lot I got out of knowing them.
The second reason has to do with a "friendaversary" that I have around this time. I like friendaversaries. Like I said, my good friendships are just an extension of my immediate family so why wouldn't I get sentimental.
Now that I've loaded you up on tons of sugar there is only one thing left to say.
Until later . . .
Socktacular Saturday: Getting Back to Socks
The Ravelympics is almost over. Somehow, I've managed to not only add approximately 40 - 50 more squares to blankie, but also finish two scarves. This has got me thinking. It's gotten me thinking about how I'm going to finish at least three pairs of socks in the next couple of weeks - ok, maybe more realistically next two/three months.
One thing I've found to be key in getting me to my goal in the Ravelympics is portioning my knitting time. Yes, I would love to just work on blankie, but that means I wouldn't have a finished object until October/November. The truth is that I miss making socks. That is one thing I realized from the whole Sock Wars experience.
So, the plan of attack is that after tomorrow's opening ceremony I will refocus on the Husband Socks. I will also touch BFF's socks as well. After that, I want to make a pair of the pedicure socks that I made for my for me. This time, I'm writing down what I did so I can write-up the pattern. Amongst all those things maybe I'll even start my February Lady Sweater as well. Is that too ambitious? I guess I will find out!
Until later . . .
One thing I've found to be key in getting me to my goal in the Ravelympics is portioning my knitting time. Yes, I would love to just work on blankie, but that means I wouldn't have a finished object until October/November. The truth is that I miss making socks. That is one thing I realized from the whole Sock Wars experience.
So, the plan of attack is that after tomorrow's opening ceremony I will refocus on the Husband Socks. I will also touch BFF's socks as well. After that, I want to make a pair of the pedicure socks that I made for my for me. This time, I'm writing down what I did so I can write-up the pattern. Amongst all those things maybe I'll even start my February Lady Sweater as well. Is that too ambitious? I guess I will find out!
Until later . . .
White Out
It snowed badly the other night. I mean really bad. Since I'm a special kind of unaware at times I didn't realize it was going to snow so badly. If I had, I wouldn't have gone out. However, I didn't so I did. During the course of the evening I glanced out a window to find it snowing. I was happy to be inside. When I glanced again it had stopped. "WOOHOO! I win this one," I thought to myself. Not only did it snow, but it had stopped and I wouldn't have to drive home in it. Yeah, you know what's coming next . . . .
So it was time to leave and I looked out once again. CRAP MONKEY! It was coming down quite nicely. It was now time to face the reality that I was going to have to drive in this crap I couldn't stay where I was. (Trust me, if I could have I would have.) I had plenty of reservations about driving in this white out. So, I started my car to give it a chance to warm-up and I proceeded to brush off the snow that had piled up on it. It was after I finished that I really realized how bad it really was. Snow had already started to accumulate on the windows again. I mean the kind of accumulations that was sticking and wouldn't just melt off. Finally, I put the car in reverse and made the journey back home.
This was the first time I had ever driven in a white out snow fall. I swear I could not see what was in front of me. Ok, I could any sort of light that was on (head lights, tail lights and stop lights). I guess you can say I saw all the "major" things. However, I had no clue where in the road I was or if there was a car next to me. All I knew was when I started I was in the right hand lane. Sometime I felt comfortable moving over more to the right, but then I feared I'd end up being one of those drivers featured on the 10 o'clock news because they were used as an example of people who was stranded in the crappy weather. Other times I started moving towards the left hand lane only to fear there might be another car in what I what would under normal conditions be the blind spot. I think at one point a car did pass me on from the left. All I know is that I was to the right of the cars going the opposite direction and at that moment that is what mattered most to me.
During all this I found myself wondering if this was the stupidest driving move I had ever pulled in my life. I mean, I admit it. I've pulled some stupid moves while driving (none of which I will list out here), but this seemed to take the cake. I also found myself negotiated with G-d. If G-d got me out the situation, and home as well, without any drama I promised I would . . . well, actually I don't think I actually figured out what my promise would be, but I knew I would do something I hadn't been doing.
Not too long after that I got to the intersection I needed to turn at. Thankfully the change of direction took me out of the white out and into clearer territory. I did have a few more drive scares - my vehicle decided to go in one direction even though I was directing it in another. Before I knew it I had arrived at my destination.
I now relay the story with a light-hearted tone because I can look back and poke fun. However, when I was going trhough it there was nothing funny about it. The next morning the snow had melted by the time I needed to leave and all was right with the world again.
Until later . . .
So it was time to leave and I looked out once again. CRAP MONKEY! It was coming down quite nicely. It was now time to face the reality that I was going to have to drive in this crap I couldn't stay where I was. (Trust me, if I could have I would have.) I had plenty of reservations about driving in this white out. So, I started my car to give it a chance to warm-up and I proceeded to brush off the snow that had piled up on it. It was after I finished that I really realized how bad it really was. Snow had already started to accumulate on the windows again. I mean the kind of accumulations that was sticking and wouldn't just melt off. Finally, I put the car in reverse and made the journey back home.
This was the first time I had ever driven in a white out snow fall. I swear I could not see what was in front of me. Ok, I could any sort of light that was on (head lights, tail lights and stop lights). I guess you can say I saw all the "major" things. However, I had no clue where in the road I was or if there was a car next to me. All I knew was when I started I was in the right hand lane. Sometime I felt comfortable moving over more to the right, but then I feared I'd end up being one of those drivers featured on the 10 o'clock news because they were used as an example of people who was stranded in the crappy weather. Other times I started moving towards the left hand lane only to fear there might be another car in what I what would under normal conditions be the blind spot. I think at one point a car did pass me on from the left. All I know is that I was to the right of the cars going the opposite direction and at that moment that is what mattered most to me.
During all this I found myself wondering if this was the stupidest driving move I had ever pulled in my life. I mean, I admit it. I've pulled some stupid moves while driving (none of which I will list out here), but this seemed to take the cake. I also found myself negotiated with G-d. If G-d got me out the situation, and home as well, without any drama I promised I would . . . well, actually I don't think I actually figured out what my promise would be, but I knew I would do something I hadn't been doing.
Not too long after that I got to the intersection I needed to turn at. Thankfully the change of direction took me out of the white out and into clearer territory. I did have a few more drive scares - my vehicle decided to go in one direction even though I was directing it in another. Before I knew it I had arrived at my destination.
I now relay the story with a light-hearted tone because I can look back and poke fun. However, when I was going trhough it there was nothing funny about it. The next morning the snow had melted by the time I needed to leave and all was right with the world again.
Until later . . .
Quote Me
Risks must be taken because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and becomes nothing." - Leo Buscaglia
It's Thursday once again.
This week Shara @ Desperate Madness challenged us to pick our favorite quote and write about what it means to us.
The other contributing bloggers are:
Melissa @ Me!!!
Jenn @ Charmingly Random
The above quote was the one I used for my senior quote in the 1994 edition of my high school's yearbook. It's been years since I've looked at it. Quite honestly, I forgot what quote I even used so I had a bit of a jaw dropping moment when I read it.
Why jaw dropping? It's been a hot topic of conversation in my life over the couple of weeks . . . months. See the truth of the matter is that I'm afraid of taking risks.
Yep, you read that correctly. The one that jumps out of planes and wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle is a afraid of taking risks. Ironic, isn't it!? Not so much . . . Those are the easy things to do if you ask me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've faced the possibility of death on three different occasions. After that, participating in such extreme activities no longer seems "risky."
So, why is it that I say with such vigor and conviction that I am afraid of taking risks? Well, to me taking taking a risk means risking my emotional well-being. Putting myself in a position of great vulnerability and disappiontment. To me there are two realms of my life in which the greatest life risks exist. They are my professional life and my personal life. "Proceed with caution." That is my motto when it comes to these two worlds. The saddest part of all this is that I know by not taking risks in these parts of my life I am most likely missing out on some greatest life rewards possible. I also acknowledge this and accept it as part of my current reality.
Professional Life: There have been so many trials and tribulations in my professional world I wouldn't even know where to begin. Not to mention, I am currently at a crossroads in this part of my life. What makes sense, and is safe, is to continue on the road I've been following for the past seven/eight years. However, I have to admit I don't know that it's one I necessarily want to follow because I believe long-term I will not find the fulfillment one should get from their work. However, what will? And, what if that leads to a dead-end as well? All these questions and uncertainty typically lead me to stay on the same path. The safe path.
Personal Life: ***DEEP BREATH*** This is where I really don't take a lot of risks - especially lately. Simply put, I've been hurt so many times by so many different people that I trusted that the entrance into my world, and even more importantly into my heart, is a tough one to get through. I feel bad about this, I honestly do. Sometime I feel so badly I feel as though I need to apologize for it. But often, I just stand my ground and take the stand that if someone wants in badly enough they will serve their time on the outside. Stubborn, selfish and arrogant, possibly. However, I keep telling myself you have to do what you have to do to protect yourself.
At the end of the day, if I do take a risk in these two worlds it is one in which I'm almost sure of the outcome that it wouldn't necessarily be considered a risk. I guess one would say it is a calculated risk.
So where is all this rambling leading too?
Going back to last week's topic, I think it was G-d's plan for me to revisit the world of the 18-year-old girl who felt so strongly about taking risks that she left that message as her high school legacy. It has served as a reminder of who I once was, who I feel I am deep down inside and the person I strive to be going forward. It has gotten me to challenge myself to take risks in all areas of my life.
Until later . . .
It's Thursday once again.
This week Shara @ Desperate Madness challenged us to pick our favorite quote and write about what it means to us.
The other contributing bloggers are:
Melissa @ Me!!!
Jenn @ Charmingly Random
The above quote was the one I used for my senior quote in the 1994 edition of my high school's yearbook. It's been years since I've looked at it. Quite honestly, I forgot what quote I even used so I had a bit of a jaw dropping moment when I read it.
Why jaw dropping? It's been a hot topic of conversation in my life over the couple of weeks . . . months. See the truth of the matter is that I'm afraid of taking risks.
Yep, you read that correctly. The one that jumps out of planes and wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle is a afraid of taking risks. Ironic, isn't it!? Not so much . . . Those are the easy things to do if you ask me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've faced the possibility of death on three different occasions. After that, participating in such extreme activities no longer seems "risky."
So, why is it that I say with such vigor and conviction that I am afraid of taking risks? Well, to me taking taking a risk means risking my emotional well-being. Putting myself in a position of great vulnerability and disappiontment. To me there are two realms of my life in which the greatest life risks exist. They are my professional life and my personal life. "Proceed with caution." That is my motto when it comes to these two worlds. The saddest part of all this is that I know by not taking risks in these parts of my life I am most likely missing out on some greatest life rewards possible. I also acknowledge this and accept it as part of my current reality.
Professional Life: There have been so many trials and tribulations in my professional world I wouldn't even know where to begin. Not to mention, I am currently at a crossroads in this part of my life. What makes sense, and is safe, is to continue on the road I've been following for the past seven/eight years. However, I have to admit I don't know that it's one I necessarily want to follow because I believe long-term I will not find the fulfillment one should get from their work. However, what will? And, what if that leads to a dead-end as well? All these questions and uncertainty typically lead me to stay on the same path. The safe path.
Personal Life: ***DEEP BREATH*** This is where I really don't take a lot of risks - especially lately. Simply put, I've been hurt so many times by so many different people that I trusted that the entrance into my world, and even more importantly into my heart, is a tough one to get through. I feel bad about this, I honestly do. Sometime I feel so badly I feel as though I need to apologize for it. But often, I just stand my ground and take the stand that if someone wants in badly enough they will serve their time on the outside. Stubborn, selfish and arrogant, possibly. However, I keep telling myself you have to do what you have to do to protect yourself.
At the end of the day, if I do take a risk in these two worlds it is one in which I'm almost sure of the outcome that it wouldn't necessarily be considered a risk. I guess one would say it is a calculated risk.
So where is all this rambling leading too?
Going back to last week's topic, I think it was G-d's plan for me to revisit the world of the 18-year-old girl who felt so strongly about taking risks that she left that message as her high school legacy. It has served as a reminder of who I once was, who I feel I am deep down inside and the person I strive to be going forward. It has gotten me to challenge myself to take risks in all areas of my life.
Until later . . .
Insert The Adjective
• One of my favorite parts . . .
• More and more I'm starting to feel like she is a decent person
• Yeah, she e-mailed me all this yarn!
• They just walked up to me with a bag of food and treats, what a great way to start the lunch hour.
• It only took a year and a half, but they are gone! (Hopefully for good!)
• Scarf? You have my scarf? Really? I had no clue.
• It's definitely foreign territory
• Now I really look forward to Thursday
• Just goin' with the flow
• At the very least I started the scarf
• I [heart] figure skating
• Old dogs; old tricks
• A new type of volunteer work
• Knitting makes everything better
Until later . . .
• More and more I'm starting to feel like she is a decent person
• Yeah, she e-mailed me all this yarn!
• They just walked up to me with a bag of food and treats, what a great way to start the lunch hour.
• It only took a year and a half, but they are gone! (Hopefully for good!)
• Scarf? You have my scarf? Really? I had no clue.
• It's definitely foreign territory
• Now I really look forward to Thursday
• Just goin' with the flow
• At the very least I started the scarf
• I [heart] figure skating
• Old dogs; old tricks
• A new type of volunteer work
• Knitting makes everything better
Until later . . .
The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 23, 2010:
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 483
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 253
My official projects for the Ravelympics are two scarfs. However, I haven't really worked on those scarfs. Instead, I've been working on blankie. In a week, I've knit close to 30 square. Not back for a week. Honestly, the most I've made in one week. At least I believe this to be the case. At the end of the day, I believe this has turned into my Ravelympics project. My goal at this point is to add an additional 10 squares to this bad-boy. Maybe I'll work on the scarf as well!
Until later . . .
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 483
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 253
My official projects for the Ravelympics are two scarfs. However, I haven't really worked on those scarfs. Instead, I've been working on blankie. In a week, I've knit close to 30 square. Not back for a week. Honestly, the most I've made in one week. At least I believe this to be the case. At the end of the day, I believe this has turned into my Ravelympics project. My goal at this point is to add an additional 10 squares to this bad-boy. Maybe I'll work on the scarf as well!
Until later . . .
"One Of My Favorite Parts"
A few months ago my coworker and I were commiserating because we both were congested and had slightly bad colds. (You know, the kind of cold that is not bad enough to keep you home, but is bad enough to be noticed.)
One morning, as we were getting our respective teas, my coworker mentioned how it was her goal to drink a lot of liquids that day. I told her I would be happy to remind her throughout the day if she wished. She told me that would be great and thanked me for offering. So, that is what I did. I reminded her throughout the day to make sure she was drinking enough liquids.
The next day when I arrived I noticed there as no cup of tea or any kind of liquid on her desk. So, when I went to get myself some tea I got one for her as well. I did this the next day also. Before I knew it, anytime we were in the office at the same time I would not only get a cup of tea for myself, but for her as well.
This has been going on for a few months now. About two weeks ago I was running late and when I opened my door sitting on my desk was a cup of tea and a cookie.
"Wow! Not only tea, but a cookie too!" I thought to myself. (Yes, it takes very little to excite me.)
When I went to thank her, my coworker thanked me for all the times I got her tea and told me we would be taking turns. She was determined to return the favor going forward (minus the cookie of course). We laughed. I then told her I was about to say, getting the cookie on the side was a nice touch, but not something I would ever expect on an on-going basis.
My coworker was off last week and upon her return today I once again got her a cup of tea to start the day. I then went into my office and proceeded to start my day. That is when she called me into her office. As stood in her doorway she said, "I want you to know you are one of my favorite parts about working here." I looked at her with confusion and amazement as she continued on. I really didn't feel I was doing anything super special. All I could say was something like, "Thank you, it's really not a big deal." Then, I went back to my office and got on with my day.
The words have ruminated with me since. (And I am sure they will for sometime.) To me, it has just been an extra cup of tea that only takes at most an extra minute to make. But to her it means a thousand times more. It's amazing when you realize that the things that seem so little to you are really huge to others.
With that said, I ask and encourage you to tell at least one person in your life that they are "one of your favorite parts." You will be amazed what a difference it can make!
Until later . . .
One morning, as we were getting our respective teas, my coworker mentioned how it was her goal to drink a lot of liquids that day. I told her I would be happy to remind her throughout the day if she wished. She told me that would be great and thanked me for offering. So, that is what I did. I reminded her throughout the day to make sure she was drinking enough liquids.
The next day when I arrived I noticed there as no cup of tea or any kind of liquid on her desk. So, when I went to get myself some tea I got one for her as well. I did this the next day also. Before I knew it, anytime we were in the office at the same time I would not only get a cup of tea for myself, but for her as well.
This has been going on for a few months now. About two weeks ago I was running late and when I opened my door sitting on my desk was a cup of tea and a cookie.
"Wow! Not only tea, but a cookie too!" I thought to myself. (Yes, it takes very little to excite me.)
When I went to thank her, my coworker thanked me for all the times I got her tea and told me we would be taking turns. She was determined to return the favor going forward (minus the cookie of course). We laughed. I then told her I was about to say, getting the cookie on the side was a nice touch, but not something I would ever expect on an on-going basis.
My coworker was off last week and upon her return today I once again got her a cup of tea to start the day. I then went into my office and proceeded to start my day. That is when she called me into her office. As stood in her doorway she said, "I want you to know you are one of my favorite parts about working here." I looked at her with confusion and amazement as she continued on. I really didn't feel I was doing anything super special. All I could say was something like, "Thank you, it's really not a big deal." Then, I went back to my office and got on with my day.
The words have ruminated with me since. (And I am sure they will for sometime.) To me, it has just been an extra cup of tea that only takes at most an extra minute to make. But to her it means a thousand times more. It's amazing when you realize that the things that seem so little to you are really huge to others.
With that said, I ask and encourage you to tell at least one person in your life that they are "one of your favorite parts." You will be amazed what a difference it can make!
Until later . . .
Morning Randomness
This morning I've been trying to figure out where my flippin' library book went. It was due Saturday, but as I was told they do not assess fines on Sundays because during the summer they are not open on Sundays. So, if I don't find the book today and get it back I will have a late fine. Or have to pay for it. I just paid off some other fines. This is not a trend I wish to continue.
Over the weekend I did some early Spring cleaning. During the purge I found a book a friend lent me that she recently tried to find, but couldn't. Now we know why. I totally forgot I had it. I also found some artifacts from my relationship with my ex. They are now sitting in a corner and I'm trying to figure out what to do with them.
This morning I learned two important cooking lessons - First, if you're going to use the stove top make sure you have the right burner on. Otherwise what you are trying to make won't cook. Secondly, plastic spoons are ideal for eating oatmeal. Metal ones just take on the heat and make it harder to consume.
Whenever I meet an attorney I ask them what the most illegal thing they've ever done was. Whenever I meet someone who majored in Psych I ask them if they have a hard time not analyzing others. Furthermore, I wonder why is it that there are so many attorneys who majored in Psych? And, how is it that I keep meeting these people? Is the universe trying to tell me something?
This weekend a friend of mine actually told me even though they aren't happy they went to law school and became an attorney they would encourage me to go to law school and become a divorce attorney. (Yep, that's right.) When I asked why, they told me it had to do with the fact that I could actually be an advocate (and do some good) for those going through the process given my personal experience. Some food for thought I guess.
I believe the universe allows us to learn tid-bits of information for a reason. Today, I am trying to figure out the reason for my latest discovery.
If I had to choose between spicy chocolate and salty chocolate I would definitely go with salty even the spicy one did add a little "kick" to my day.
Until later . . .
Over the weekend I did some early Spring cleaning. During the purge I found a book a friend lent me that she recently tried to find, but couldn't. Now we know why. I totally forgot I had it. I also found some artifacts from my relationship with my ex. They are now sitting in a corner and I'm trying to figure out what to do with them.
This morning I learned two important cooking lessons - First, if you're going to use the stove top make sure you have the right burner on. Otherwise what you are trying to make won't cook. Secondly, plastic spoons are ideal for eating oatmeal. Metal ones just take on the heat and make it harder to consume.
Whenever I meet an attorney I ask them what the most illegal thing they've ever done was. Whenever I meet someone who majored in Psych I ask them if they have a hard time not analyzing others. Furthermore, I wonder why is it that there are so many attorneys who majored in Psych? And, how is it that I keep meeting these people? Is the universe trying to tell me something?
This weekend a friend of mine actually told me even though they aren't happy they went to law school and became an attorney they would encourage me to go to law school and become a divorce attorney. (Yep, that's right.) When I asked why, they told me it had to do with the fact that I could actually be an advocate (and do some good) for those going through the process given my personal experience. Some food for thought I guess.
I believe the universe allows us to learn tid-bits of information for a reason. Today, I am trying to figure out the reason for my latest discovery.
If I had to choose between spicy chocolate and salty chocolate I would definitely go with salty even the spicy one did add a little "kick" to my day.
Until later . . .
Socktacular Saturday: Sock Club
I tried posting this earlier today, but it was screwing up my blog. So I'm going to try this again...
I didn't join Socks That Rock Rockin' Sock Club this year. As much as I wanted to, I decided I wanted to go a different direction this year. And, maximize my dollar if possible. So, I joined the Hazel Knits club instead. Definitely getting a better deal money wise, but also a change in colorway approach.
If you look in my stash you will see I have a lot of veregiated colorways. This lead me to consider looking for a sock club this year where I would get more semi-solids. The final result - I joined the first four months of the Hazel Knits sock club.
Yesterday, the first shipment came:

Yarn and Chocolate . . . Can't think of a better way to start the weekend!
Until later . . .
Spoiler pictures are posted in this blog entry. Proceed if you don't mind seeing sock club shipment pictures.
Spoiler pictures are posted in this blog entry. Proceed if you don't mind seeing sock club shipment pictures.
I didn't join Socks That Rock Rockin' Sock Club this year. As much as I wanted to, I decided I wanted to go a different direction this year. And, maximize my dollar if possible. So, I joined the Hazel Knits club instead. Definitely getting a better deal money wise, but also a change in colorway approach.
If you look in my stash you will see I have a lot of veregiated colorways. This lead me to consider looking for a sock club this year where I would get more semi-solids. The final result - I joined the first four months of the Hazel Knits sock club.
Yesterday, the first shipment came:

Mango Smoothie (Left) and Impulse (Right)
Also included
Also included

Yarn and Chocolate . . . Can't think of a better way to start the weekend!
Until later . . .
G-d's Plan
Another Thursday, another group post.
This week's topic was chosen by Me.
This week's topic: G-d's Plan For Your Life.
One small problem . . . It's not Thursday. It's Friday. My post was basically all written with the exception of a few tweaks needed. I was going to post it when I got home last night. Then I got on the phone. The conversation that lasted almost two hours. After I got off the phone I was exhausted and fell asleep. I guess it wasn't G-d's plan for me to post last night.
I woke up this morning well aware that I hadn't posted my Thursday entry. As I went to finish it up I reread it. Though relevant to the topic, I once again changed my mind as to what direction I wanted to take the assignment. (This was now the second change.)
I'm a bit bummed that I put all the energy into it just to change my mind. The good news is that it was a post I've wanted to write for some time. So, when the time is right all I have to do is push the "publish" button. Maybe that was part of G-d's plan as well...
So what do I have to say about G-d's plan that doesn't have to do with changing my mind or falling asleep?
For over two years I've been going through one of those times in life when people continuously say to me something to the effect of, "there is a plan and a reason you are going through this." Or, "G-d has a plan and it will all work out in the end." There have been times I thought I was coming out the other side, but I've come to find out that isn't the case. The tunnel just seems to be getting longer and longer. And, I'm getting a tad frustrated.
At times during this journey I've done my part to speed-up this process. Others times, I haven't because I've ran out of energy and have needed to recharge. Being in this holding pattern is difficult and it's hard when you think you've taken so many steps forward to only find you need to go back to what seems like the beginning once again.
Regardless, this is G-d's plan for me and one day it will all make sense . . . Or, at least that is what I am banking on.
Until later . . .
This week's topic was chosen by Me.
This week's topic: G-d's Plan For Your Life.
One small problem . . . It's not Thursday. It's Friday. My post was basically all written with the exception of a few tweaks needed. I was going to post it when I got home last night. Then I got on the phone. The conversation that lasted almost two hours. After I got off the phone I was exhausted and fell asleep. I guess it wasn't G-d's plan for me to post last night.
I woke up this morning well aware that I hadn't posted my Thursday entry. As I went to finish it up I reread it. Though relevant to the topic, I once again changed my mind as to what direction I wanted to take the assignment. (This was now the second change.)
I'm a bit bummed that I put all the energy into it just to change my mind. The good news is that it was a post I've wanted to write for some time. So, when the time is right all I have to do is push the "publish" button. Maybe that was part of G-d's plan as well...
So what do I have to say about G-d's plan that doesn't have to do with changing my mind or falling asleep?
For over two years I've been going through one of those times in life when people continuously say to me something to the effect of, "there is a plan and a reason you are going through this." Or, "G-d has a plan and it will all work out in the end." There have been times I thought I was coming out the other side, but I've come to find out that isn't the case. The tunnel just seems to be getting longer and longer. And, I'm getting a tad frustrated.
At times during this journey I've done my part to speed-up this process. Others times, I haven't because I've ran out of energy and have needed to recharge. Being in this holding pattern is difficult and it's hard when you think you've taken so many steps forward to only find you need to go back to what seems like the beginning once again.
Regardless, this is G-d's plan for me and one day it will all make sense . . . Or, at least that is what I am banking on.
Until later . . .
Ethics and Morals
• Sometimes I think we would have been friends had it not been for "that" person.
• The pie theory was a bust, but it sure was a tasty experiment.
• Curling = Confusing
• They are now going for $400+ on eBay . . . It might be worth whipping up a few of those puppies and getting in on the actions!
• Ravelympics what?
• I just did what any good friend would do.
• Something that has always been seen as a good thing is suddenly part of the reason I'm being punished
• I use to think that when the light that indicated my gas tank was almost empty went on it meant I only had about 15 miles or so left. Now I know it really means I have another 60 or 70 miles.
• I aspire to be like her
• Receiving the tracking information means it's time to stalk the web site for updates!
• My competitive spirit is missing, maybe I should check the lost and found.
• "When my blankie starts getting a little too snobby I throw some FFI in just to remind it where it started from!" - Stashquisition
• One day I'll figure out a way to accept them better.
• Another one that has me thinking, "Just one more day!"
Until later . . .
• The pie theory was a bust, but it sure was a tasty experiment.
• Curling = Confusing
• They are now going for $400+ on eBay . . . It might be worth whipping up a few of those puppies and getting in on the actions!
• Ravelympics what?
• I just did what any good friend would do.
• Something that has always been seen as a good thing is suddenly part of the reason I'm being punished
• I use to think that when the light that indicated my gas tank was almost empty went on it meant I only had about 15 miles or so left. Now I know it really means I have another 60 or 70 miles.
• I aspire to be like her
• Receiving the tracking information means it's time to stalk the web site for updates!
• My competitive spirit is missing, maybe I should check the lost and found.
• "When my blankie starts getting a little too snobby I throw some FFI in just to remind it where it started from!" - Stashquisition
• One day I'll figure out a way to accept them better.
• Another one that has me thinking, "Just one more day!"
Until later . . .
No Meat On Friday
The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 16, 2010:
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 462
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 274
Today is Fat Tuesday. (In case you didn't know.)
For years I've wondered what I would give up for lent if I were Catholic. This year all I can come up with is maybe blogging? Or, blankie knitting? Both seem really extreme! So extreme it hurts me to think about it.
So, I'll turn the question around to you, what would you give up for lent? Or, if you are Catholic, what are you giving up for lent?
Until later . . .
Until later . . .
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 462
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 274
Today is Fat Tuesday. (In case you didn't know.)
For years I've wondered what I would give up for lent if I were Catholic. This year all I can come up with is maybe blogging? Or, blankie knitting? Both seem really extreme! So extreme it hurts me to think about it.
So, I'll turn the question around to you, what would you give up for lent? Or, if you are Catholic, what are you giving up for lent?
Until later . . .
Until later . . .
Morning Thoughts
Before I went to sleep last night I caught up on a few blogs I follow. Of them was one that left me thinking, "I wish I could be that brave." It wasn't the first time a blog left me feeling that way, but it was the first time that a blog written by someone I knew left me feeling that way.
Last night I spoke of keeping a balancing act. It is that same balancing act that holds me back from being brave and fully expressing some of the things that bother me and need to get off my chest. This morning I still feel the same way. It's my hope that one day I can be as brave as my friend was last night. 'Til that day comes, I will just put my admiration for those that do out into cyberspace hoping that one day it makes its way back to me and finally penetrates my words.
Until later . . .
Last night I spoke of keeping a balancing act. It is that same balancing act that holds me back from being brave and fully expressing some of the things that bother me and need to get off my chest. This morning I still feel the same way. It's my hope that one day I can be as brave as my friend was last night. 'Til that day comes, I will just put my admiration for those that do out into cyberspace hoping that one day it makes its way back to me and finally penetrates my words.
Until later . . .
Balancing Act
I have this one particular top I've worn every Valentine's Day since I got it a few years ago. It wasn't given to me particularly on VDay or for VDay, but if you saw it you would see why it's fitting for the day.
It's a red top with a sweetheart neckline. It has a layered effect to it so it looks like I'm wearing a white t-shirt underneath the red. It was one of those gift that someone saw and got for me because it looked like something I would wear. They were right - it is something I would wear and it just happens to be perfect for VDay. That person is no longer in my life, but I still think of them when I go to get the top. Furthermore, I smile as I take it out of my drawer.
This is just one of many times I find myself balancing good memories with reality. It's a hard thing to do. A really hard thing to do. But, one that I insist on doing. I've been told it is a testament to the person I am at my very core - "Someone who wants to see the best in others even when they've clearly been shown otherwise." (That's what I've been told.)
Those who are close to me don't know how I do it. If they had it their way they'd have me remember the reality all the time and take away the good memories. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not maintain this fine-line and actually venture over to the "dark-side." Sometimes I claim it would be an easier road to travel. However, I think hating and being angry towards something (someone) is too easy vs. dealing with the primary emotions/reasons behind those feelings. I know I've mentioned this before, but it's on my mind because of yesterday's VDay "tradition" and a conversation I had today about this balancing act.
The VDay top will be washed with my next load of laundry and then put away until next year. It might make an appearance or two between now and then, but not as a regular part of my clothing rotation. I'm sure the person who gave it to me doesn't know the special meaning it holds let alone remember the top, but a part of me pretends they do because it makes me smile even more and makes this tradition just a bit more special.
Until later . . .
It's a red top with a sweetheart neckline. It has a layered effect to it so it looks like I'm wearing a white t-shirt underneath the red. It was one of those gift that someone saw and got for me because it looked like something I would wear. They were right - it is something I would wear and it just happens to be perfect for VDay. That person is no longer in my life, but I still think of them when I go to get the top. Furthermore, I smile as I take it out of my drawer.
This is just one of many times I find myself balancing good memories with reality. It's a hard thing to do. A really hard thing to do. But, one that I insist on doing. I've been told it is a testament to the person I am at my very core - "Someone who wants to see the best in others even when they've clearly been shown otherwise." (That's what I've been told.)
Those who are close to me don't know how I do it. If they had it their way they'd have me remember the reality all the time and take away the good memories. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not maintain this fine-line and actually venture over to the "dark-side." Sometimes I claim it would be an easier road to travel. However, I think hating and being angry towards something (someone) is too easy vs. dealing with the primary emotions/reasons behind those feelings. I know I've mentioned this before, but it's on my mind because of yesterday's VDay "tradition" and a conversation I had today about this balancing act.
The VDay top will be washed with my next load of laundry and then put away until next year. It might make an appearance or two between now and then, but not as a regular part of my clothing rotation. I'm sure the person who gave it to me doesn't know the special meaning it holds let alone remember the top, but a part of me pretends they do because it makes me smile even more and makes this tradition just a bit more special.
Until later . . .
Socktacular Saturday: On The Needles
This one is going to be short and sweet...
I have a sock on the needles. I'm at the toe decrease and have determined that I screwed up royally - going all the way back to the gusset decreases. Given that these are mens socks that a lot of back tracking. I'm debating what I'm going to do. So much so that I haven't touched them since I discovered the mistake.
With that in mind, I have to say I'm glad the Ravelympics are here. It's time for me to work on my project for the next 17 days.
Until later . . .
I have a sock on the needles. I'm at the toe decrease and have determined that I screwed up royally - going all the way back to the gusset decreases. Given that these are mens socks that a lot of back tracking. I'm debating what I'm going to do. So much so that I haven't touched them since I discovered the mistake.
With that in mind, I have to say I'm glad the Ravelympics are here. It's time for me to work on my project for the next 17 days.
Until later . . .
Sweet Sixteen
Confession: I really enjoy Country Music.
I have for since college. Not everyone knows this about me and I say it's a confession in more of a joking manner than anything else. At one point during college I almost purchased a pair of boots to wear when I went Country Western Dancing (Ok, I can only two-step, but still). Until this day I regret not purchasing them. I've never found a pair I've liked equally or more.
In honor of this "confession," I'm posting a "Sweet Sixteen" list of some of my all time favorite Country songs. (With some commentary of course!) There are definitely more Country songs I enjoy, but these are some of the top ones.
So, put on your boots, gents don't forget your favorite Stetson and raise your favorite domestic beers in honor of these favorites:
**The first three songs are dedicated to the poor soul who had to listen to LeAnn Rimes debut CD at least three times in a row as we traveled from Ft. Worth to the Panhandle of Texas. It was the Winter of 1996 and our trip took us all the way to Colorado. Let's just say I immediately fell asleep after turning on the CD just to wake up as it ended. Of course I had to play it again so I could hear it ALL. One problem. I repeated myself - a few times. And, for the record the CD was playing when I woke up so I know PS did let the CD play.**
• "Blue" - LeAnn Rimes (remake)
• "Talk To Me" - LeAnn Rimes
• "Good Lookin Man" - LeAnn Rimes
**The next song is one I've always loved. Every time I hear the opening chords I get goose bumps. This song is especially near and dear to heart because of all my "friends in low places" who encourage me to take the low-road each time I rise above and handle things with class and grace. I love y'all! Maybe one day I'll join y'all down there. ;)**
• "Friends In Low Places" - Garth Brooks
• "Broken Wings" - Martina McBride
• "She's In Love With The Boy" - Trisha Yearwood
**This next song I first heard when I borrowed a coworkers iPod. I fell in love with this song immediately.**
• "Best Days Of Your Life" - Kellie Pickler
**Enjoyed this song before it was my life . . .**
• "Goin' Through The Big D" - Mark Chesnutt
• "It's Your Love" - Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
**The Macarena of the south . . . but I still love it!**
• "Cotton Eyed Joe" - Rednex (the version I like)
• "Boot Scootin Boggie" - Brooks and Dunn
• "Let Er' Rip" - Dixie Chicks
• "I'm From The Country" - Tracy Byrd
• "Sweet Home Alabama" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
• "I Like It; I Love It" - Tim McGraw
**Catchy tune that's all I can say.**
• "Love Story" - Taylor Swift
Until later . . .
I have for since college. Not everyone knows this about me and I say it's a confession in more of a joking manner than anything else. At one point during college I almost purchased a pair of boots to wear when I went Country Western Dancing (Ok, I can only two-step, but still). Until this day I regret not purchasing them. I've never found a pair I've liked equally or more.
In honor of this "confession," I'm posting a "Sweet Sixteen" list of some of my all time favorite Country songs. (With some commentary of course!) There are definitely more Country songs I enjoy, but these are some of the top ones.
So, put on your boots, gents don't forget your favorite Stetson and raise your favorite domestic beers in honor of these favorites:
**The first three songs are dedicated to the poor soul who had to listen to LeAnn Rimes debut CD at least three times in a row as we traveled from Ft. Worth to the Panhandle of Texas. It was the Winter of 1996 and our trip took us all the way to Colorado. Let's just say I immediately fell asleep after turning on the CD just to wake up as it ended. Of course I had to play it again so I could hear it ALL. One problem. I repeated myself - a few times. And, for the record the CD was playing when I woke up so I know PS did let the CD play.**
• "Blue" - LeAnn Rimes (remake)
• "Talk To Me" - LeAnn Rimes
• "Good Lookin Man" - LeAnn Rimes
**The next song is one I've always loved. Every time I hear the opening chords I get goose bumps. This song is especially near and dear to heart because of all my "friends in low places" who encourage me to take the low-road each time I rise above and handle things with class and grace. I love y'all! Maybe one day I'll join y'all down there. ;)**
• "Friends In Low Places" - Garth Brooks
• "Broken Wings" - Martina McBride
• "She's In Love With The Boy" - Trisha Yearwood
**This next song I first heard when I borrowed a coworkers iPod. I fell in love with this song immediately.**
• "Best Days Of Your Life" - Kellie Pickler
**Enjoyed this song before it was my life . . .**
• "Goin' Through The Big D" - Mark Chesnutt
• "It's Your Love" - Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
**The Macarena of the south . . . but I still love it!**
• "Cotton Eyed Joe" - Rednex (the version I like)
• "Boot Scootin Boggie" - Brooks and Dunn
• "Let Er' Rip" - Dixie Chicks
• "I'm From The Country" - Tracy Byrd
• "Sweet Home Alabama" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
• "I Like It; I Love It" - Tim McGraw
**Catchy tune that's all I can say.**
• "Love Story" - Taylor Swift
Until later . . .
Unexpected Friendship
The first topic of this quartet is to talk about an unexpected friendship we've have in our lifetime.
I've been thinking about this all day. And, hours later I still can't come up with one friendship I've had that I would say was "unexpected." As my fellow bloggers in this group have been posting their entries I've been taking a peek. Maybe something would spark my memory. Still nothing. (Yeah, I know. Leave it to me to be the "difficult" one.) So, tonight I went through my "Friends" list on Facebook. Clearly everyone I'm friended with there is a super close friend. : D This actually helped me.
I'm choosing to talk about my friend Yelper. No, that's not actually their name, but since I met them through Yelp it's the most appropriate nickname I can come up with. I've never actually met Yelper, but I've been corresponding on and off with them for well over a year now. At first when I started pm-ing and e-mailing Yelper it was all surface level. They once gave me their phone number if I ever wanted to actually talk and eventually did months and months down the road. I don't know what motivated me to call, but I did. We haven't talked since that one time. We've discuss via e-mail hanging out. Why not? They only live an hour or so away from me. However, our schedules never seemed to gel.
We don't correspond all the time and it seems to go in cycles. What I find most interesting about this friendship is that even though I don't know this person in real life we've developed some form of a friendship. Recently, I was talking to them about some "drama" going on in my life. Getting just another prespective on things when it dawned on me how far my trust in them had gone.
A lot of my in real life friends don't know about Yelper (until now that it). Like I said, not someone I've met so I don't have stories to share about them. Recently I've started to wonder if I really want to meet Yelper in real life. I mean, that would ruin the whole dynamic of the friendship. Don't you think?
Until later . . .
I've been thinking about this all day. And, hours later I still can't come up with one friendship I've had that I would say was "unexpected." As my fellow bloggers in this group have been posting their entries I've been taking a peek. Maybe something would spark my memory. Still nothing. (Yeah, I know. Leave it to me to be the "difficult" one.) So, tonight I went through my "Friends" list on Facebook. Clearly everyone I'm friended with there is a super close friend. : D This actually helped me.
I'm choosing to talk about my friend Yelper. No, that's not actually their name, but since I met them through Yelp it's the most appropriate nickname I can come up with. I've never actually met Yelper, but I've been corresponding on and off with them for well over a year now. At first when I started pm-ing and e-mailing Yelper it was all surface level. They once gave me their phone number if I ever wanted to actually talk and eventually did months and months down the road. I don't know what motivated me to call, but I did. We haven't talked since that one time. We've discuss via e-mail hanging out. Why not? They only live an hour or so away from me. However, our schedules never seemed to gel.
We don't correspond all the time and it seems to go in cycles. What I find most interesting about this friendship is that even though I don't know this person in real life we've developed some form of a friendship. Recently, I was talking to them about some "drama" going on in my life. Getting just another prespective on things when it dawned on me how far my trust in them had gone.
A lot of my in real life friends don't know about Yelper (until now that it). Like I said, not someone I've met so I don't have stories to share about them. Recently I've started to wonder if I really want to meet Yelper in real life. I mean, that would ruin the whole dynamic of the friendship. Don't you think?
Until later . . .
Blogging: To The Fourth Power
Four girls . . . women . . . ladies . . . (whatever word you wish to use). Four knitters. Four social networkers. Four bloggers.
All connected by one person.
The idea was simple - My friend had the idea to ask three of us if we'd be interested in committing one post a week on our blogs to the same topic. We would then link our blogs together and see each others take on the topic. We are all girls (or at least that it the adjective I like to use) within a 5 year age span of each other, immersed in social networking such as Facebook, knitters and bloggers. I am personally friends with two of the other three, but can see myself becoming friends with the third person as well.
There was no convincing needed on this endeavor! I was immediately up for the task. Especially since I had inspired a post back in January by Silver of Qiuck Silver Crafter 2.0. (And, yes, there will eventually be a follow-up post to Silver's post.) It was interesting to see how someone else interrupted the question I had posed.
So, what can you expect of this little experiment?
• Expect to see at least one Thursday post about the chosen topic and three additional takes on said topic. (We make no guarantees that they will all go up at the same time, but they will be posted by the end of day on any given Thursday.)
• Expect to get an open and forthright take on the topic from me. Not that I purposely withhold information regularly here (or I at least try not too unless it is truly warranted), but I promise I will try my best to not beating around the bush on these topics.
• Expect that I may challenge you as well. The more opinions/stories/input the merrier, right!?
Below are the urls to the blogs of my fellow bloggers who are taking on this task with me:
• Me!!!
• desparate madness
• Charmingly Random
Now that I've laid the "ground rules" and shared with you the other participants, there is one last thing for me to tell you to expect. Expect to see another post from me by the end of the day (yes, that does mean I have until 11:59 PM tonight, but I'll try to be more timely than that).
Until later . . .
All connected by one person.
The idea was simple - My friend had the idea to ask three of us if we'd be interested in committing one post a week on our blogs to the same topic. We would then link our blogs together and see each others take on the topic. We are all girls (or at least that it the adjective I like to use) within a 5 year age span of each other, immersed in social networking such as Facebook, knitters and bloggers. I am personally friends with two of the other three, but can see myself becoming friends with the third person as well.
There was no convincing needed on this endeavor! I was immediately up for the task. Especially since I had inspired a post back in January by Silver of Qiuck Silver Crafter 2.0. (And, yes, there will eventually be a follow-up post to Silver's post.) It was interesting to see how someone else interrupted the question I had posed.
So, what can you expect of this little experiment?
• Expect to see at least one Thursday post about the chosen topic and three additional takes on said topic. (We make no guarantees that they will all go up at the same time, but they will be posted by the end of day on any given Thursday.)
• Expect to get an open and forthright take on the topic from me. Not that I purposely withhold information regularly here (or I at least try not too unless it is truly warranted), but I promise I will try my best to not beating around the bush on these topics.
• Expect that I may challenge you as well. The more opinions/stories/input the merrier, right!?
Below are the urls to the blogs of my fellow bloggers who are taking on this task with me:
• Me!!!
• desparate madness
• Charmingly Random
Now that I've laid the "ground rules" and shared with you the other participants, there is one last thing for me to tell you to expect. Expect to see another post from me by the end of the day (yes, that does mean I have until 11:59 PM tonight, but I'll try to be more timely than that).
Until later . . .
Happy Birthday!
• Was it 3.8, 4.0 or 4.3?
• I'm the one handing out recipes . . . am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
• I find skydiving and riding a motorcycle a lot less risky
• It's like a bad rerun
• Playing bad cop is not my preference
• Blind-sided, that's all I can say
• I slept through it - I must have been really tired!
• Wow! Could the end be near? And, if so would I be happy?
• Oh, the things I really wanted to say
• Google Buzz = Facebook/Twitter wannabe?
• Only days until the Ravlympics and still no decision on what event(s) I'll participate in
• Two police officers and a drug sniffing dog - just your average night at the movies!
• Such a simple fix would have cost a lot of cash and he did it in a matter of seconds for free
• One more day . . . just one more day!
Until later . . .
• I'm the one handing out recipes . . . am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
• I find skydiving and riding a motorcycle a lot less risky
• It's like a bad rerun
• Playing bad cop is not my preference
• Blind-sided, that's all I can say
• I slept through it - I must have been really tired!
• Wow! Could the end be near? And, if so would I be happy?
• Oh, the things I really wanted to say
• Google Buzz = Facebook/Twitter wannabe?
• Only days until the Ravlympics and still no decision on what event(s) I'll participate in
• Two police officers and a drug sniffing dog - just your average night at the movies!
• Such a simple fix would have cost a lot of cash and he did it in a matter of seconds for free
• One more day . . . just one more day!
Until later . . .
No More, No Less
Just a blankie update today - No more, no less . . .
The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 9, 2010:
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 451
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 285
Until later . . .
The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 9, 2010:
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 451
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 285
Until later . . .
Socktacular Saturday: How Far?
How much time and effort would you be willing to devote to obtaining a sock pattern?
This week, I found out what my limits (or lack there of) are. I was on Rav cruising through sock patterns when I saw one that looked really cool and funky. There was one little problem. It was a pattern that was exclusive to a Yahoo Group for German knitters. Yep, that's right - German knitters.
Now, the closest I've gotten to Germany is purchase German yarns such as Woolmeise and Opal. Oh, and also coveting the ever beautiful Crazy Zauberball yarn. (It kind of reminds me of Noro, but A LOT softer.)
So here I am, drooling over a German yarn and what seems like an unobtainable pattern. What to do . . . what to do . . . After careful consideration, I decided to take action. I joined the Yahoo Group. Nope. I don't speak or read German though I'm starting feel as though I should learn. Nor, do I know anyone who does. (Or, at least anyone I am comfortable calling up and asking to translate.) However, that didn't stop me.
After accessing the group, I started my hunt. The fact that everything was in German just made the experience THAT much more interesting. It actually took me a few trips back to the site, but I eventually prevailed!
Just when it looked liked there were no obstacles in the way, I realized the pattern was in German. Duh! The next quest had begun. Now I needed someone to translate the pattern. I had tried a few online translators, but they didn't work that great. As it turns out a two of my friends knew people who knew and could translate German. They were happy to ask them to do so on my behalf. Yeah, I saw the text of that e-mail . . . "Hi, I have this friend who knits and she found this pattern that, but in German and she asked me if you could translate it for her. It's for a pair of socks." In the meantime, I started looking at the other patterns this group had online and noticed they all had English version. Could it be that I was a special kind of dazed and didn't see the English version for my prize pattern. So, I back tracked and alas, victory! Not only did I have a copy of the pattern I wanted, I had a copy in English!
No need to learn German! I was home free!! WooHoo!!!
Until later . . .
This week, I found out what my limits (or lack there of) are. I was on Rav cruising through sock patterns when I saw one that looked really cool and funky. There was one little problem. It was a pattern that was exclusive to a Yahoo Group for German knitters. Yep, that's right - German knitters.
Now, the closest I've gotten to Germany is purchase German yarns such as Woolmeise and Opal. Oh, and also coveting the ever beautiful Crazy Zauberball yarn. (It kind of reminds me of Noro, but A LOT softer.)
So here I am, drooling over a German yarn and what seems like an unobtainable pattern. What to do . . . what to do . . . After careful consideration, I decided to take action. I joined the Yahoo Group. Nope. I don't speak or read German though I'm starting feel as though I should learn. Nor, do I know anyone who does. (Or, at least anyone I am comfortable calling up and asking to translate.) However, that didn't stop me.
After accessing the group, I started my hunt. The fact that everything was in German just made the experience THAT much more interesting. It actually took me a few trips back to the site, but I eventually prevailed!
Just when it looked liked there were no obstacles in the way, I realized the pattern was in German. Duh! The next quest had begun. Now I needed someone to translate the pattern. I had tried a few online translators, but they didn't work that great. As it turns out a two of my friends knew people who knew and could translate German. They were happy to ask them to do so on my behalf. Yeah, I saw the text of that e-mail . . . "Hi, I have this friend who knits and she found this pattern that, but in German and she asked me if you could translate it for her. It's for a pair of socks." In the meantime, I started looking at the other patterns this group had online and noticed they all had English version. Could it be that I was a special kind of dazed and didn't see the English version for my prize pattern. So, I back tracked and alas, victory! Not only did I have a copy of the pattern I wanted, I had a copy in English!
No need to learn German! I was home free!! WooHoo!!!
Until later . . .
Definitions and Choices
A few years ago I had to make one of the hardest decisions I have ever faced. To make matters even harder, I had make an immediate decision. At the time, I made the decision that seemed like the "right" decision. Since then, I periodically doubt that decision. So much so, I sometimes ask my friends if I really did the "right" thing. After these moments, I return to the place in my heart, and gut, that tells me I did what was right.
This past week I was told that I most likely would not be "good" at something and it might be a "good" thing if I don't do it. After I recovered from being blind-sided by this comment I discussed the comment with a few of my closer friends. The thing that got me most about this comment being made was that there is no way to know if I would be good at it or not unless I went ahead and did it.
Day in and day out (in theory) I make decisions on what stories and thoughts I want to put out into cyberspace. Over time, what I am comfortable blogging about has changed. Over time what I thought I would blog about has changed.
All the blurbs above may seem as though they aren't related, but in reality they are related. They all have to do with definitions and choices. What does it mean when I say "the right choice?" Or, your definition of "good" may be far different then mine. What I deem acceptable and not acceptable to shoot off into cyberspace revolves around my definition of these concepts.
From these definitions choices are made. Some small. Some large. Some of the small choices have larger effects than originally thought. Some of the larger choices have less of an effect then originally thought. How we define things and the choices we make are more tied together than they look to be on the surface.
There is just a little food for thought that has been tossed around my world these days.
Until later . . .
This past week I was told that I most likely would not be "good" at something and it might be a "good" thing if I don't do it. After I recovered from being blind-sided by this comment I discussed the comment with a few of my closer friends. The thing that got me most about this comment being made was that there is no way to know if I would be good at it or not unless I went ahead and did it.
Day in and day out (in theory) I make decisions on what stories and thoughts I want to put out into cyberspace. Over time, what I am comfortable blogging about has changed. Over time what I thought I would blog about has changed.
All the blurbs above may seem as though they aren't related, but in reality they are related. They all have to do with definitions and choices. What does it mean when I say "the right choice?" Or, your definition of "good" may be far different then mine. What I deem acceptable and not acceptable to shoot off into cyberspace revolves around my definition of these concepts.
From these definitions choices are made. Some small. Some large. Some of the small choices have larger effects than originally thought. Some of the larger choices have less of an effect then originally thought. How we define things and the choices we make are more tied together than they look to be on the surface.
There is just a little food for thought that has been tossed around my world these days.
Until later . . .
Until You Get There
• I've said it once and I'll say it again - you don't know until you get there.
• "That type of p0nr is ok."
• This takes crazy to a whole new level.
• It's the dream jobs we speak of all the time, but realistically so not doable - ugh!
• Cautiously Optimistic
• As much as I hate to break it to you, yarn will not cure the common cold.
• Adventures in driving
• The decision took 5 months to make, but it paid off in the end
• Bad Hair Day - It's not only a Weird Al albumn; it's reality.
• What it's not normal to travel over an hour for yarn?
• Twice in two years - I need to take advantage of it more often.
• 20 and 19
• 14, not 12
• Knitting makes everything better!
Until later . . .
• "That type of p0nr is ok."
• This takes crazy to a whole new level.
• It's the dream jobs we speak of all the time, but realistically so not doable - ugh!
• Cautiously Optimistic
• As much as I hate to break it to you, yarn will not cure the common cold.
• Adventures in driving
• The decision took 5 months to make, but it paid off in the end
• Bad Hair Day - It's not only a Weird Al albumn; it's reality.
• What it's not normal to travel over an hour for yarn?
• Twice in two years - I need to take advantage of it more often.
• 20 and 19
• 14, not 12
• Knitting makes everything better!
Until later . . .
The Great Wall Of Blankie
The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 2, 2010:
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 430
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 306
After 10 months of diligently working on this monster I have reached "The Great Wall of Blankie."
Yes, "The Great Wall Of Blankie." Maybe it's because my personal life is crazier than usually these days. Maybe it's because of all my other knitting commitments. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Whatever it is, I've hit a wall with this project. It makes me a bit frustrated. Ugh! That was painful to say. Very painful! It makes me want to give up and just accept defeat.
As of tomorrow I have 300 days to finish this. In theory that means I have to knit about 3 - 4 squares a day. Just the thought . . .
I'm sure I will be over this wall soon. At least I hope that is the case. I hope this frustration is just like the frustration I felt during Sock Wars. Now that I've "thrown" the blankie across the room and declared defeat it's time to pick it back up and start hacking away at it once again. I can do this . . . I know I can!
Here's to the next 300 days!
Until later . . .
Squares Needed: 736
Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 430
Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 306
After 10 months of diligently working on this monster I have reached "The Great Wall of Blankie."
Yes, "The Great Wall Of Blankie." Maybe it's because my personal life is crazier than usually these days. Maybe it's because of all my other knitting commitments. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Whatever it is, I've hit a wall with this project. It makes me a bit frustrated. Ugh! That was painful to say. Very painful! It makes me want to give up and just accept defeat.
As of tomorrow I have 300 days to finish this. In theory that means I have to knit about 3 - 4 squares a day. Just the thought . . .
I'm sure I will be over this wall soon. At least I hope that is the case. I hope this frustration is just like the frustration I felt during Sock Wars. Now that I've "thrown" the blankie across the room and declared defeat it's time to pick it back up and start hacking away at it once again. I can do this . . . I know I can!
Here's to the next 300 days!
Until later . . .
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froggie knits like crazy by Tracey M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.froggieknitslikecrazy.com.