

Because Being A Follower Is Cool

Yesterday, Mel started "Time Warp Tuesdays" on her blog. She plans to revisit some of her old blog posts from years past by posting them on her current blog. Jenn then followed Mel's lead.

As for me . . . What can I say? I'm in the mood to be a follower today. I wouldn't expect this to be a "regular" segment on this blog. As I was cruising through my old LiveJournal posts this is the only entry I could come up with that is anywhere close to be being fit for open publication.


"He Just Got Out Of Jail


Who am I talking about you ask? In early December 2005 my car got rear-ended by an uninsured driver - GMC truck to be exact. I was at a dead stop when my car got hit. Anyhow, I eventually had to file a claim on my insurance for the repair as a result of him having a "lapse in coverage." I went to court for this guy's ticket, but all that came of that was a $100 fine and having driving probation for a period of time. Well, the insurance company hired a collection agency to try to collect monies on this guy. Since I hadn't heard anything about this case for awhile I called my insurance agent yesterday and found out today that the guy who hit me just got out of jail and has NO MONEY, NO ASSETS and NO JOB so the collection agency was closing the case. I think it's a fitting end to the whole situation. I am curious what he was sent to jail for. Someone I know is friends with a private detective who would get info on him at no cost to me. Who knows, maybe I'll take advantage of that someday. :P

I think the thing that bothers me most is that this guy has to eventually get a job and when he does I kind of feel he should pay back his debt to me - this incident has resulted in some physical injuries I will always live with and has effected my car insurance rates (sorta). I'm going back and forth on this cause who knows what this guys debt overall looks like. My claim could be nothing compared to others he owes.

Anyhow, I'm rambling at this point. I just found the fact that he just got out of jail funny and ironic."


I did find out what GMC truck driver went to jail for. Actually, I found out this individual is a real life winner. So, I let go my quest to get monies from this individual. It was crystal clear it wasn't going to happen. Several months after I wrote this post, I believe I saw this guy driving behind me one afternoon. I quickly changed lanes. I figured it was best to get out of his way and let him intrude on someone else's life. Additionally, the physical injury I spoke of got better thanks to an amazing massage therapist. It's not 100% gone, but I hardly ever notice them these days.

Untli later . .

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