

I'm A Happy Girl

I'll be honest, when Shara @ Desperate Madness asked us to write about the happiest moment we could remember my first thought was, "Great! what if we can't come up with anything?"

No, it's not that I don't have any happy memories or that there isn't one thing that makes me happy. I just wasn't exactly in a "happy" mindset at the time so my first reaction was just that - my first reaction.

After I got over it and had time to after ruminate I decided to attack this topic in a "different" way. Ok, so maybe my "different" approach is a bit of a cop-out (not as many words to put together), but this presentation does really represent a lot of happy memories.

The video montage below contains photos, and video, I've taken over the past two years (with the exception of one picture). All the things shown have happy memories attached to them in some way, shape or form. The music chosen is by an artist I enjoy listening too.
Shara - I'm dedicating this entry to you. Thank you for putting my mind in a happy place this week. When I came up with this idea I thought of you immediately because I know we both share a passion for photography.

Now that you have seen some of the things that make me "happy," you can see what makes my fellow bloggers happy as well:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

Could you BE any more creative?!? That was so cute and clever! I love the song "Happy Girl." My volume on my work computer doesn't work, so I was able to just listen in my head while watching.
I love the pics you chose too! I'm glad you've found so much that makes you happy and that it can be as easy as emergency chocolate or bee keychains (which was so cute).
Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I ADORE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad that I could inspire you this week, my friend!!!

Jenn said...

Tracey! That was absolutely fantastic!!

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