

Blog Roll

I tried publishing a list of blogs that I follow on a regular basis via a Blogger gadget. It has failed greatly by not actually publishing the list on this site. Everything looked great when I "previewed" it, but I guess it only knows how to preview this feature and not really put it into place. (One large FAIL for Blogger.)

That said, I thought I would take a moment to list out some of the blogs that keep me entertained on a regular basis.

Passive Aggressive Notes


Boy Genius Report

A Year of Slow Cooking

Fail Blog

Poor Little Rich Girls

Bent Objects

The Montley Fool

Springfield Punx

This is just a small sampling . . . Maybe you will find a new favorite off this list - maybe not. Regardless, when I take the time to glance and see the blogs I subscribe to the variety always strikes me. On that note, I think I'm going to go catch up on some blogs . . . Happy Reading!

Until later . . .

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