

Socktacular Saturday: Down To The Gusset

And, I'm back!

To sock knitting that is. Like I mentioned recently, the Ravelympic re-energized my spirit to complete other projects outside of the sock blankie world. The result of this found new energy is being channeled towards the Husband Socks.

The Husband Socks were put in time-out awhile back because as I embarked on decreasing the toe I realized I had flubbed-up (twice) on the instep. I wanted to consider my options to rectify this situation. If the socks were for me there would have been a greater chance that I wouldn't have even thought even once about correcting this mistake. However, they aren't for me so I needed to correct the mistake.

Since last Sunday was dedicated to catching up on hibernating projects I took the Husband Socks out of time-out. After weighing my options I made a brave choice - I decide to frog the sock back to the row after my mistake. This literally meant frogging the toe and a majority of the instep. What made this choice even more crazy was that I did it without any lifelines or picking up stitch on a needle to prevent dropping unintended stitches. Yep, I just ripped-back my work; exposing live stitches to the possibility of raveling even more as I tried putting them back on the needles. Mind you, this was all done with extreme caution.

Three years ago, when I first started really knitting each time I dropped a stitch I would have a heart attack over it. There were many times I would fall asleep with my knitting on my lap and when I woke up I'd have a ton of dropped stitches. So, to get to a point that I didn't mind ripping back without some sort of safety net was a huge leap forward. A bit scary to do for the first time, but in the end I knew I could do it.

After putting the stitches on the needles AND making sure I had all the stitches needed, I proceeded to work on sock. As I posted earlier this week, I finished sock one and was starting on sock two. As of today, and this post, I am finished working the gusset decrease and ready to work the instep. The reality of the situation is that realistically I could finish the Husband Socks by tomorrow evening or Monday. This is a reality I like - a lot!

Until later . . .

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