

What Time Is It?

It was April 2002.

A Sunday to be exact. I was on the phone with my mom who at the time lived 2000 miles from me. We were discussing her upcoming move back home when she said she had to go. My aunt and uncle were picking her up at six o'clock for dinner and it was getting close. I had plans that evening as well so the timing worked out well. We said our goodbyes and hung-up. I then started to get ready and as I walked out the door I glanced at my kitchen I noticed the clock on my microwave read "5:15PM." "Hmmm... Mom and I lived in the same time zone," I thought to myself, "Why was she in such a rush for six o'clock if it was only 5PM? She must have just been confused." I took the extra hour as a gift and relaxed a bit before I went out.

As I was driving to the restaurant I was meeting friends at I received a text message from BFF. It said something to the effect of, "Don't forget to move your clocks forward today." OMG! That was why mom said it was getting close to six. All day long I had some how been able to miss the fact that the clocks were suppose to be changed by an hour. I didn't even notice the change on my cell's clock. Needless to say, I was late my dinner. Thankfully everyone was very kind about my special kind of confused and I was able to laugh at myself about it.

This coming (Sun)day is Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget to Spring your clocks Forward!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

thanks for the reminder. lol about my text message. i remember that now. :)

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