

8 Mile

I'm not talking about Eminem. I'm talking about this weekend's walk. Yes, I walked 8 miles this go around.

This time knitting was not on my mind: Instead, my mind was focused on the next week or two that is ahead of me. On Tuesday, the Jewish New Year begins and not too long after Yom Kippur will be upon us. Though I'm not very religious, these two holidays do get me thinking about the prior 12 months; they always have. I think about the good times, the bad times and the things I learned from both. Given that 2008 overall has been a difficult year, my thoughts are especially focused on the past 8/9 months. There is a lot to be learned from these events. My mind floats back briefly to this time last year and what my biggest concerns were then - comparing them to the concerns this past year. I think a lot about loss the I have experienced this year. The actual deaths of two friends. I wasn't super close to either of these individuals, but alas people I cared about and wished I had had more communication and time with. Two extraordinarily decent people for whom this world will surely feel their loss. The mourning and loss of other relationships - special relationships. Relationships that were very important to me and have forever changed my life. All of these events will never be forgotten. I think about forgiveness. What does it mean to me? Is it something one should ask for or rather give to someone as a way to heal ones own soul? I think about understanding. I think about the past and future - the things we cannot change, the realities and the possibilities. I think about trust. Is it something to be given freely and taken away when one proves you wrong OR is it something to give sparingly until someone proves themselves worthy of more? I think of selflessness.

I know this is all deep for a blog that was originally started as a way to chronicle ones knitting projects and accomplishments. It was in no way intended to be any more or less than that. However, it appears that it is turning into more than that - at least at this moment.

I'll leave you with this that came off a e-card I received today for Rosh Hashanah. . .

"As you reflect upon your life this Rosh Hashanah,
May you feel joy in your strength ,
May you feel happiness in your success,
May you feel promise in your dreams."

My hope for you is: May many good things come your way this year and may you be sealed in the book of life. L’shanah Tova!

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