

I Called It!

A good friend of mine is pregnant and just found out the gender of their baby today. Before I go any further I would like to say I do believe the most important thing when someone is pregnant is that both mom and baby are healthy (which they both are). That said, I did go on record with my friend prior to the ultrasound as to my gender prediction since I hold a very good prediction record - 9 out of 10 pregnancies since 2005. I can now add a baby blanket and other knitted baby items to my project list with specific colors in mind. Thankfully, the baby is due in February so I have some time.

Speaking of baby blankets, I'm making decent progress with the blanket for the December arrival. . .

The blanket was taken out of hibernation, briefly, while I waited for my sock yarn. The yarn arrived today so the blanket will be in hibernation once again as soon as I find a ball winder to make some cakes.

I have so much to do to prepare for the second half of my week. Sometimes I don't know where the time goes. It's hard to believe October starts this week. October has always signified the start of the busiest time of the year for me. From now until the end of the year there are at least half a dozen b-days taking place, the holidays, etc. - and this is just personal things.

That's all for now. . . Ta! Ta!

Oh, BTW - In case you were interested - It's a Girl!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i knew it was a girl too. (i know who you're talking about in this situation. :) ) i even told her a while ago. i've been so off my gender predictions lately (thanks to a certain little someone who was supposed to be a girl, not that i mind him being a boy at all) that i was surprised that i was right this time.

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