

But I had a Damn Good Time Doin' It!

No knitting talk tonight. . .

I think I officially bought myself a few more weeks chained to my arm brace this fine evening. How you ask? Try bowling - many, many, many games of bowling. Others have other pictures of me, but this is the only one that was taken with my camera.

I also had to record the first strike I got -

I had many close calls as you can see. This wasn't one of my better games, but I had a good time anyhow. I actually got a strike on the next game as well. I know there is at least one or two more pics of my stellar bowling. As soon as I get them I will post them.

A great time was had by all! To top it off it was a good night for baseball as well! The Chicago Cubs beat the New York Mets 9 to 6. Not a shut out, but still a win! Other games being monitored this evening - Milwaukee v Pittsburgh (Mil won 4 to 2),Boston Red Soxs v Cleavland Indians (Red Soxs win 5 to 4) and lastly Chicago White Soxs v Minnisota Twins (Min wins 3 to 2). Like I said, a good night for baseball!

I'm beat so I'm keeping tonight's entry brief.

Ta! Ta!

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