


That is adjective I would use to describe how my feet are feeling right now . . . and rightfully so! I took two walks this weekend (six and seven miles respectively). It was good exercise and I have to admit knitting was on my mind some during the four hours of walking (two hours each day). I spent a lot of time otherwise this weekend working on the first of the two full-size socks I'm working on. Yes, I finished it! No pictures just yet. I want to get the second one done before I blog about sock knitting. I will say as I sit and type I am wearing the first sock. I feel kind of dorky, but overall proud of my accomplishment. Especially since this time last year I was knitting absolutely nothing as I had finished the latest and greatest baby blanket.

I spent a lot of time this weekend considering what was realistic to accomplish by November and December as I have a laundry list of gifts I want to make. The list looks something like this (individuals to receive said items not revealed in case they are stalking my blog):

- Scarf
- Socks (for myself and another)
- Multiple toddler hats, scarfs and socks
- Baby Blanket for December arrival
- Two Kids Yamulkahs
- Charity Blanket

It doesn't look like a long list, but considering the length of time it takes to knit some of these items I would be pushing it. I'm hoping to have a more realistic (along with my second sock) done by early October at the latest.

I have to say I never thought I'd ever be planning out knitting projects. Knitting again was originally just a way for me to occupy time while I was unemployed and looking for a job back in early '07. Now it's become so much more.

I'm sure there is more to report or a picture to be posted however it's late and I should be getting some sort of sleep. So for now . . . Ta! Ta!

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