

Ask and You Shall Receive. . .

Or at least that is the way it appears.

I learned today that I will more than likely have several days off before the end of the year. Though many people usually embrace this news, I wasn't so thrilled (I'm more of a take a day here and there kind of gal). Then a few of my friends reminded me how I was commenting I needed more knitting time to complete everything I wanted to do and this would be my opportunity. Damn them! Note to Self - Get friends who don't remember that you mentioned you needed more knitting time. Seriously, I am starting to warm up to the idea.

On another note, I started my second sock. It's knitting up A LOT faster than the first one. I guess that is what happens when you knit a pattern a second time. I grossly under estimated how much yarn I was going to need for this project. Amateur move I presume. So I am in need of more of this fine yarn. Today was busy so I wasn't able to call the store I purchased it at to see 1) if they still have it and 2) if it's still on sale or if they would be kind enough to give me the sale price I originally paid. I bought it at 40% off originally - What? You think I paid full price!? I look for bargains wherever I can and yarn is no exception! Aside from getting another discount, I'm hoping the dye lot isn't too off. Oh well! No matter how it turns out I will always fondly remember this pair (experience) as it is a first. I also know these will be my "warm winter socks" for years to come. Oh, and if you were wondering if I'm wearing the one sock again . . . . I am! Only those that know me well can picture this dorkiness in action and laugh because it's such a "me" thing to do. I make no apologies for my actions : D My last "sock" related comment for the evening is that I now understand why other knitters say knitting a pair of socks for another person is something you only do for someone really special. There is a lot of time, energy and love that go into them - you don't do that for just anyone. Sounds cheesy I know, but so true!

Shifting gears . . . .

I was doing a few pattern searches on Ravelry and came across a super cute stuffed frog pattern. I think that will be a 2009 project. Right now I'm more interested in finding a stuffed cow pattern as I have a family member who LOVES cows and their b-day is approaching soon. There is no way I can have it done for their b-day, but I could at least start working on it and mail it as a belated gift at a later date!

I learned this past week that a good friend of mine who lives in WI is also a knitter. I've known her for several years so it's nice to find an "old" friend that shares the same passion. We swapped Ravelry usernames and blog addresses. I was telling her how I plan to learn to dye yarn once it gets colder out and I'm stuck indoors due to the snow. There are several colorways that I want, but can't find in yarn shops. I plan to use some Wilton food dyes I got this past Feb/March for my first yarn dyeing attempt. Should be fun and interesting.

I'm happy to report that my wrist is doing much better and my six weeks of wearing the arm brace is almost finished. Yay! One may be showing up on my other arm for the same symptoms, but I don't think for as long as need as much as this go around. All this isn't super fun, but the alternative is even less fun so I've been fine dealing with the annoyance for a few weeks in order to avoid surgery. I have enjoyed getting others opinions regarding my treatment plan. There are several people I've encountered with very strong opinions on this topic.

I think that is all the randomness I can dish for now! I promise I'll have new pictures soon. I thought I had pictures of the baby blanket I started working on (that is now hibernating for awhile) however I searched all my memory cards and no such luck. Guess that means I need to take more pictures.

Until later, happy knitting! Ta! Ta!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

you should come visit me in nj during your time off. :)
i know who your knitting friend in wisconsin is because i told her you knit. :)

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