

Late Night Thoughts

Just a few things floating around in my mind this fine evening . . .

• I have no baseline to compare against which means I don't know exactly how much I've improved. That said, I believe I've improved.

• I need the words to start flowing ASAP!

• I didn't want to ease-drop, but how could I not? They were talking loud enough and the viewpoints were so extreme.

• The past couple of weeks have been a journey in and of itself. No matter what happens, I will appreciate what I've learned from this experience.

• Ice skating at an ice rink is a lot more fun than ice skating in a parking lot - without ice skates.

• I'm starting to think having a Plan B.5 might be a good idea.

• Who would have ever guessed my new favorite place would be the quiet room?!

• For that matter, who would have ever guessed I would love logic puzzles as much as I do?!

• It's amazing how much can happen in just three months.

• My iPod has an attitude problem.

• "Conservatively Optimistic" - you heard it here first folks!

• I realize this is suppose to be a knitting blog, but I don't really knit these days.

• For some reason, the people I expect to care the least are some of the ones that care the most. It's funny how that works.

• "And I wonder if I ever cross your mind . . ." ~ Lady Antebullum

Until later . . .

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