

Thrity-Five Things About Me

Two years ago I wrote a post based on the "25 Things" list that was going around Facebook at the time. You know what I'm talking about. The list where you're suppose to write list 25 things about yourself or thoughts you're having. At the time I made my list Thirty-Three things since that was how old I was.

When I was poking around my blog a few weeks back this is one of the posts I took a glance at. This time around I'm going to list "35 Things" about myself . Hopefully I won't repeat something I said last time.

Here goes nothing . . .

1. I like to watch sports. I'm not someone who must watch each and every game of my favorite sports teams or for that matter have vast knowledge of sports trivia. I do however enjoy kicking back and watching a game here and there.

2. Froggie has been my online handle for 8 years. I first started using the handle on an industry networking site I use to belong to. My favorite part about using this handle is when people tell me I've spelled Froggie incorrectly. As far as I'm concerned it's spelled the right way. I liken it to someone telling me my name, in real life, is spelled incorrectly since my actual name is not a common spelling.

3. I love frog stuff. I'm not sure when this love affair began, but I know it's been a day - or two. However, I'm beginning to wonder if it is possible to have too much frog stuff.

4. I'm not a quitter. Periodically I may say things that give the impression that I am, but I don't mean them. I usually say these things out of frustration. However, I usually get over it and keep on keepin on. Last October I took a motor bike safety class and did horribly. I was upset and decided that it might not be my destiny to operate a motorcycle. I have since reconsidered this and plan to try again sometime this coming year. I'm hopeful that the second time around will be better.

5. The feeling of forgiveness is a amazing one. What is even more amazing is the day you realize you have forgiven someone. It just kind of sneaks up on you unexpectedly. Or, at least that has been my experience.

6. Peanut Butter Nutella Cupcakes = HEAVEN!!!

7. I still haven't faced my fear of ferris wheels. I really need to get on that. I think it's one of the only things left on my list of fears I have to face.

8. I'm thankful for e-mail, online chat and social networking. It's definitely helped keep me connected with my besties whom live so far away.

9. Today I realized that I've been knitting on a regular basis for over four years. My knitting mojo has simmered a bit lately, but mainly because I've been busy. Hopefully once things calm down I will work on more projects.

10. I shouldn't be doing this, I should be sleeping, but as sleepy as I may be I'm just not ready to call it a night.

11. When I was a kid, I use to play with my mom's jewelry and perfumes. I still do this from time-to-time when I'm over at mom's place despite the fact that I have my own jewelry and perfume to play with.

12. I can't believe it's almost March. January and February just flew by.

13. It bothers me when people say things they don't mean just to make me feel better.

14. I keep thinking about how much I miss Shayna (my former cat). I wonder if she's still living in Wrigleyville.

15. This is a lot harder than I remember it being . . .

16. I am a loyal friend, and I value loyalty in others.

17. I recently was introduced to the word "apperception." It's one of my new favorite words. Mainly due to the context in which I learned the word. The situation makes me laugh every time I think about it. Now I just need to find a reason to use it.

18. I love the height my high heels give me.

19. My tolerance for snow and cold has definitely increased over the past several years. I'm thankful for this as it makes Chicago winters more bearable.

20. The folks in my knitting group aren't shy. We talk in public about things most people wouldn't. I often wonder what those around think of our conversations.

21. When I was approaching my 16th birthday all I wanted was a VW Cabriolet. Part of me still wants that car.

22. It's raining outside right now. I'd rather it rain then snow.

23. Spring is getting closer everyday!

24. Today someone told me that they are judgmental immediately after giving me a difficult time because I watch reality tv. At the very least I appreciated their honesty about the judgmental stuff..

25. I find that I'm an easy target for people to rag on. I think it's because I typically don't bite back. As much as I would like to, I believe some things are just not worth my time or energy.

26. I love the word "y'all," but in some situations I feel like it's too informal to use; however, I haven't figured out a better replacement for the word. "You guys" doesn't seem right.

27. The only reason I eat oatmeal has to do with the fact that I found a flavor that tastes exactly like apple pie.

28. The all time favorite nickname I've been given is Shirley.

29. I have a copy of the book Ivanhoe that was my dad's. I've never read it, but I keep meaning too.

30. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to laugh at myself from time-to-time.

31. I love the flavors of salty and sweet mixed together.

32. I enjoy simplicity. You really can't go wrong with this route . . .

33. This is definitely a repeat . . . I still think I have too many passwords. However, I'm getting better about keeping a list of them - and in a place that is safe, but I can still get to them

34. I've learned to cherish a good nights sleep a whole lot more over the past couple of months.

35. I feel as though I should write something profound for number 35, but all I keep thinking is how thrilled I am to have gotten through numbers 1 through 34. Especially since some of the items are more random thoughts that popped into my head at the time than they are about me. I know this all sounds like a bunch of rambling, but I do that periodically. My favorite response to my rambling and randomness is that it is "cute."

Until later . . .

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