

More Late Night Thoughts

• Knitted Socks + Uggs = Toasty Warm Feet

• Here's wishing everyone a much better week than last week.

• A gallon size ziplock bag, a juice box, two granola bars and access to a pencil sharpener and printer . . . I hope I didn't just establish my going rate for babysitting three kids.

• I'm making man socks and I'm afraid they aren't manly enough. I may have to get the opinion of a man so I don't continue to second guess this one.

• Never expected I'd have logic puzzle withdrawal.

• Knitting group is truly an educational experience.

• You really can't judge what a person is experiencing unless you've had a similar experience. As much as I preach this, I haven't always practiced it. Lesson re-learned.

• Blogging Thursdays may be resurrected - Yay!!!

• I've been so focused on the task at hand I didn't stop to think of the impact it will have on my life should it workout the way I want it too.

• I'm thrilled our Borders isn't closing. I've developed somewhat of an attachment to the place.

• Zuma is my Angry Birds

• Everything I am responsible for is done, now I just need to have faith the others will do their part.

• I could really use an extra two days this month. I've been trying to figure out how I can arrange this. Any suggestions?

• "There shouldn't be this ring of silence, But what are the options?" ~ LCD Soundsystem

Until later . . .

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