

One More For Good Measure

I don't have anything specific to write about tonight, but since I appear to be on a bit of a blogging tangent lately I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw one more entry in the February mix for good measure.

I've been in truly rare form this month in regards to blogging. I'm not sure why I've felt this sudden need to blog. Especially during one of the most insanely, crazy, busy months I've had in a really long time. Truthfully I feel as though I've accomplished more in the past 28 days than I have in the past 6 months. I could be very wrong about this, but I don't believe I am. At the very least, I know that I've definitely been more focused and driven this month than I have in a long time.

I do have to say, the last day of February 2011 did start off on a fantastic note. BFF had her third child today. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to write about this, but I'm going to take a chance. When I found out that she was pregnant I was super thrilled for her. She broke the news right after her family's visit over 4th of July weekend. Even though they weren't going to find out the gender of the baby that didn't keep me from referring to it as Baby Girl BFF for the past 6 months. That is how much confidence I had that she was going to have a girl. Earlier this month I asked my Magic 8 Ball to confirm my prediction and it did so willingly. (Didn't have to shake it more than once!) Now that we know it's a girl, we're all just waiting to find out the baby's name. BFF and DH aren't sharing that with anyone until the baby naming. Thankfully we won't have to wait long - Friday is the big day.

Of course now that I know for sure it's a girl it's time to pick out what this new arrival gets as a welcome to the world gift. Normally, I'd be trying to bust out a baby blanket like I use to make back in the day - circa 2007/2008. However, I'm thinkin' I need to mix things up a bit as I don't want to get too predictable. (Also, I would like to get something to this child before it goes to college.) After some searching, I've come up with the perfect project. I'd love to talk about it, but BFF reads my blog. Rest assured there will be pictures once the gift is complete and has been received by Baby Girl BFF and family.

As long as I'm talking about gifts . . .

Sometime around August/September I decided it was time to outfit my whole family with a pair of knitted socks. I started by making a pair for my youngest brother's bday back in September and then started concentrating on December bdays. There were two pairs of socks made that month - one for my youngest nephew and one for my great nephew. The beginning of the year found me finishing up socks for my youngest niece and I'm now working on a pair for my middle brother's bday which is on St. Patrick's Day. Unfortunately I don't get much of a break after that given my youngest sister-in-law's bday is mid-April. Then I need to rewind a bit and start working on the pair of socks for my auntie whose bday was in October.

(I'm starting to think this undertaking is a tad ambitious. I've never really thought of my family as a large one, but right now it seems that way.)

Now keep in mind, I am also making a sock yarn blankie for my mom's milestone bday that happens in 2012. It's approximately 635 days away so there isn't a super urgent time crunch, but given this is a sizable project that isn't a lot of time either. At the end of the day when I look at all the gifts I plan to make I start to wonder one thing - who the heck is making me a pair of socks for my bday???

On that note, I'm going to sign-off for now.

Until later . . .

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