


Over the past couple of days I've been taking a bit of a trip down memory lane by reading some of the blog entries I made over the past year. My reason for doing this is a simple one - Inspiration.

I've been tasked with a writing that needs to get done in the next day or two and the words aren't coming to me as I had once hoped they would. Over the past weeks as I've been working on this I've looked for inspiration in many different places, but without much luck. Finally, I came up with the idea that maybe something from my past would inspire my future.

At first things were a bit slow-going. Posts about my blankie and yarn weren't quite doing it for me. However, before I knew it, I came across several posts that got me thinking of a new way to approach this daunting task I faced.

During the first half of 2010 I was involved in a blog project with three others. The platform for the project was simple: Every Thursday the four of us would write on the same topic. If someone had told me during the period this project took place that it would later help me find inspiration for this important writing I am now working on currently I wouldn't have believed them. (Guess this fall into the category of "you just never know.") I'm pleased that this is where my inspiration is coming from. Many weeks I struggled to compose those entries and getting something more beyond what was originally intended makes it even more worth the effort.

I'm also very excited about the fact that I found inspiration - and thankful as well. This is one of those times where the deadline is the deadline, there is not an exception. . . Well, I take that back. There is another option, but not one I wish to exercise.

Aside from providing me with the inspiration I've been craving, this approach also has me marveling a bit. Reading old entries is nothing new for me. I've done this on many occasions over the years. I always seem to get something new out of the experience, but it has never left me marveling as this particular stroll down memory lane has. The experience even has me smiling. It's amazing how a simple blog entry has me recalling so many good memories that aren't even related to the entry itself. Sometimes I can get so caught up in the moment and forget about all the small things that create the bigger picture. Or in this particular case, I had forgotten the things in 2010 that made it a good year. It's my hope that I can say the same about my entries in 2011.

I'm told you're not suppose to look back on the past, but rather focus on the future. Though I do understand why people suggest this I think such actions can serve a purpose. In my case, I use the past as a litmus test of sorts. An indicator of where I am now based upon where I've been and where I hope to be.

With that in mind it is time for me to concentrate on then task at hand so I can continue to move toward my future.

Until later . . .

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