

Random Questions

Strong Personality

I've been told, by several people, that I have a "strong personality." The problem is that I'm not sure what exactly that means. So I looked up the term online. As I would suspect there were many explanations of what a strong personality is.

Some think having a strong personality means you are overbearing, while others think it means that you speak your mind and/or are assertive. All this means to me is that I'm back to square one when it comes to understanding what having a strong personality means.

Furthermore, if having a strong personality means that you are assertive, why is it that I was once passed over for a job because the hiring manager thought I was too soft spoken and wouldn't be able to be assert myself with individuals who had "strong personalities"?


Can someone explain to me what a Hipster is?

I've heard the term "Hipster" thrown around a lot lately. I kinda have an idea of what I would be looking for, but I'm not 100%.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will live a full life should I never truly know what a Hispter is, but it would be nice to have a clearer idea of who these people are and what they are about.


For my birthday I got a pair of Ugg boots as a gift. (A really nice gift, I know!)

The person who gifted them to me has wanted to get these for me for a few years now. I finally relented this year. I think my agreement was partially due to the fact that at the time they asked me about it I was extremely preoccupied with other things going on in my life and I really didn't feel like going through the back and forth of prior years.

For some reason I refuse to wear these fine boots. Yep. That's right. I've had these boots for almost three months and haven't worn them yet. I know at least half a dozen people who would take these off my hands in a heartbeat if I wanted and yet I let them just sit waiting to see the great outdoors.

At first it was just that they weren't water proofed and stain proofed. However, I have since taken care of those details. This has me wondering, what is stopping me from wearing these boots?



Why do people make promises they know they aren't going to keep?

First off, let me say I believe there is a difference between making a promise you are not able to keep vs. making a promise you have no intention of keeping.

I could reason that it so the person they are making the promise to feels better and/or it makes the promiser look good. However, when the promiser ends up not keeping their promise doesn't that just make the promisee feel worse and/or shed a negative perception on the promiser?

I just can't seem to come up with a good reason to do this in the first place.

That's all for now.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Very thought provoking. I hope you put those boots to good use soon. :)
When I think of "hipster," I think of someone calling Kramer a "hipster doofus" on an episode of "Seinfeld."

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