

Here Comes Another One

Weekend that is.

Wow! It's Friday already. I'm not sure how the weeks pass by so quickly these days. Actually, I think that's the way I feel about life. Here it is, two more days left in February. March 2009 is already upon us. Life this year has been a lot less hectic than 2008, but it feels as though it's moving along a lot faster - go figure!

I'm still considering my options for possible travel this year and keep thinking I have all this time to plan for it. In reality if I do what I would like too, when I would like too, I should start making plans soon. Then again, last years stint to Boston was planned only two/three weeks in advance (a very spontaneous decision on my part) so it's not totally impossible to throw things together quickly. All these thoughts of travel have me thinking back to my overseas adventures to England and Ireland back in March '97.

I have to say, I'm glad we kept the plans for the trip to a minimum. It was nice to have the freedom to decide at a moments notice where we wanted to go next. In addition to spending St. Patricks Day there, some of my favorite parts of the Ireland leg of the trip were going to the Cliffs of Moore, Blarney and the day we missed the fairey back to England. The day we were suppose to go back to England was funny. After taking a tour of the Waterford headquarters, I told my travel companion that I wished we could stay another day in Ireland (especially since we didn't need to be in London until later that week). Next thing I knew we discovered a flat on the car we had rented. Gee, talk about "ask and you shall receive." I was about to ask for a million dollars, but something tells me that would have been pushing it.

After crossing the ocean and being back in England we hopped on a train to... well, we weren't sure where we were actually going to get off. Like I said, our plans in London weren't until later in the week. We eventually got off the train in Birmingham only to find that there was a media convention in town and the cheapest room available in city center was 400 pounds ($650). Good thing there was a B&B not too far that we could crash at. A few days in London rounded out the trip. I had my first and only celebrity siting in London.

Then there was my trip to Israel... What good memories!

Ok, back on track . . . So, I'm still considering my travel options for the year. I'll be interested to see how things shape up. Of course, I'll have to figure out the whole taking knitting supplies on a plane issue. A lot of my peeps have said I should forget about taking anything an overseas excursion however it looks like Crazy Aunt Purl had no problems on her recent trip to Madrid (Scroll down at least half way for the pic I'm referring too).

Oddly enough, I haven't knit all that much lately. The current pair of socks are hibernating so it's back to my cable scarf. I think I just worked on that once this week. Clearly, there is something wrong with me. Then again, I've also been spending a lot of time with photography projects. Either I'm out taking pics or I'm tied to my computer editing them. I was presented with an interesting photography opportunity this week. Well, more like brought to my attention. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this information, but I guess time will tell. I'll let you know what it is if I decide to move forward with it.

That's all - for now. . .

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