* Lust
* Gluttony
* Greed
* Sloth
* Envy
* Wrath
* Pride
Let's face it, we all commit one or more of these sins. Sometimes we commit one more than the other. As I was researching these sins online I came across a Seven Deadly Sins Quiz. Just answer a few questions, as honestly as possible, and you can get an idea of which sin you commit the most. My results didn't shock me at all.
All this is on my mind because recently I completed an online photography challenge my Flickr Project 365 group had going. There is no physical prize involved. Just the fun of the challenge itself. And might I say, this was a fun challenge!
The Challenge:
Take a picture for each of the Seven Deadly Sins. Now, you could pick just one or two, but I went for all seven. (It's the over achiever in me)
The Time Frame:
The challenge opened on Monday, February 9th and unofficially closes on Sunday, February 15th.
My results:
I have to admit this was one of the three sins I found difficult to translate into a picture. Not because I didn't have an idea of how to translate lust into a photo. My difficulties arose from translating it in a way that wasn't so personal to me.
The pictures for this sin were shot twice. The first round of photos were a lot different than the second round. The tell-tale sign that I needed to shoot it again was when I called up a friend of mine to get their thoughts on the photos. Yeah, that tells me right away I wasn't comfortable putting the shots out into cyberspace.
Lust is usually associated with excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.
The excessive consumption or indulgence of something to the point of waste. Gluttony is typically associated with food consumption or withholding from the needy.
This picture was a no brainier for me. I had partaken in what I felt was a gluttonous meal mid-week last week and took a picture of it for Yelp.
Oh goodness! This is the first time I've ever bought a "prop" for a photo. Like lust, I have two sets of photos for this sin. Unfortunately, the first set would have required a lot of editing as I'm not in the habit of posting my credit/debit card numbers on a public site for all to see.
Greed comprises the excessive acquisition of wealth.
Ah, Sloth. This was the sin I put the least effort into which is very fitting for what it is. Originally called the sin of sadness and despair, Sloth over time has come to include apathy, depression, and joylessness.
Wrath is the second of the three sins I had a difficult time translating into a picture. Some of the obvious translations is to show weapons or items that threaten others or to show people fighting. However it was the description I read of Wikipedia that gave me the idea for this photo.
Per Wikipedia: "Wrath (or anger or "Rage") may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system (such as engaging in vigilantism) and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others. The transgressions borne of vengeance are among the most serious, including murder, assault, and in extreme cases, genocide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy, closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally rather than externally. Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of wrath directed inwardly, a final rejection of God's gifts."
Coveting something someone else has that you don't. That is the best way I can describe Envy.
This was the third of the three sins I had a hard time translating into a picture. I need to figure out what/whom I am envious of. At the end of the day I chose to take a picture of Laurie Perry's Crazy Aunt Purl blog because of her bravery in "living out loud." I'm working on this!!!
The desire to be more important or attractive to others, failing to compliment others when they deserve them and extreme love of ones self. This was a no brainier picture wise.
1 comment:
very clever overall.
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