

The Three Types of Mornings

In my world there are three types of mornings and you can tell by my hair and face what type of morning it is.

Morning One:

Hair is curly/frizzy and the face is make-up free (that will be applied at the office - if I can remember that is).

This means that I just couldn't get out of bed until the very last minute, and usually on these mornings it's even later than that.

Morning Two:

Hair is straight and/or curly, but without the frizz. Make-up application is highly probable, but definitely won't be forgotten about once I reach the office.

This means that I got up with my alarm and didn't get distracted in any way, shape or form while getting ready.

Morning Three:

Hair is not only straight, but has also been truly straighten by a once around with the flat iron. Make-up is applied way before I even leave my place and I even have enough time to get a quick blog entry in as well.

This means the quality of sleep I got was so good that quantity didn't make a difference at all and not only was I up "on time," I even beat my alarm.

Guess which day is today. . .

Happy Friday!

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