Most days I have at least one "go me" moment. "Go me" moments are small, unintentional, silly things I do in a given day. For example, putting coffee creamer in my tea thinking it was sugar. Usually my "go me" moments happen when no one else is around so one could say it's like the tree in the forest. You know what I'm talking about - If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it did it really make a noise? I would like to think the answer to that question is no and thus any "go me" moment I have in private doesn't actually take place, however ultimately the tree still does make noise when it falls and my "go me" moment did actually take place.
Yesterday's "go me" moment was not only public, it was a little more serious than putting coffee creamer in my tea . . . I took my spiffy new DSLR out for the first time since I purchased it. I found the PERFECT location. Not too far from where I live there is a beautiful man-made lake in the midst of an affluent community. Surrounding this lake area are magnificent homes. Very scenic and a great lo-cal for the "first" shots with the new cam. The best part of choosing this spot to take pictures would be fact that yesterday was the first day that the public was allowed to ice skate on the lake. Man, did I score big time!
After getting the camera lens/hood on and psyching myself up for the idea that I'd be taking pictures in cold weather without any gloves on I sat on this fine concrete barrier...

Do not let looks deceive you people. At first glance you would think the pole is directly behind the concrete barrier. Think again! Yes, I did exactly what you probably think I did.
Any photographer would know it's all about "getting the shot" so if you have to position yourself funny then you do what you have to do. Well that is just what I was doing except I didn't get the shot. Instead, I got lodged between the concrete barrier and the pole. Honestly, at one point in the split seconds before I was firmly between my "rock and hard place," I thought I was going to fall all the back and hit my head on the cement sidewalk. The other concern that raced through my head was for my camera which I was firmly gripping in my right hand while I tried at the same time to grip the concrete barrier. (Yes, my priorities are clearly in check). So, being lodged between a concrete barrier and pole (rock and hard place) didn't seem so bad given the alternatives. Thankfully there was someone nice enough to help me out of my predicament. They were even nice enough to try to make me feel better about what had just happened by saying I probably wasn't the first to do that. Hmmm. . . I have a nagging feeling I was the first to do that, but I didn't say that to the nice stranger. I simply thanked them for helping me out.
In retrospect I wish I had taken a picture of what my camera could capture from that angle to document the event. Or, better yet, I wish I had taken a picture of me lodged between the rock and hard place. I'm sure there will be friends of mine that will be surprised that I didn't do either, but truth be told I was a little preoccupied at the time and neither option crossed my mind.
Oh, and yes, my camera is fine as you can see by these pictures:
Lake Ellyn Pictures
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