

They Just Fly By

I can't decide which go faster - the week days or weekends. I'm leaning towards the weekends, but I'm finding the week days pass by just as quick as well.

This weekend was surely a whirlwind one. Saturday found me up very early and by 9ish I was inspired to clean. So inspired when I finally sat down to take a break about an hour and a half after I started I told one of my friends I was chatting with online I had to go because I couldn't let my drive to clean and organize dwindle. Funny enough, I talked to House Mouse that morning and they were glad to hear I was starting the decrapification project before they could come over. Actually, HM actually told me later on in the weekend that they couldn't believe how excited and enthusiast I was about cleaning. In addition to that, HM also made a connection between taking on a reorganization project and life. Deep, I know! At first I didn't know where they were going with their comments, but as I thought about it more it actually made a lot of sense to me.

I may have been enthusiastic about cleaning, but my progress was soon derailed when I stepped out to go see a movie - Coraline to be exact. What a great movie! Seriously! It was really good. The plot, the animation, the music - everything. I will say this about the movie, if you have a child that doesn't like creepy movies or gets scared easily than I wouldn't recommend this flick.

Just a side note to my movie viewing experience - there are a lot of 3D previews prior to the start of the movie. I found this interesting and concluded that 3D is now the new 2D when it comes to movies.

The remainder of my weekend flew by.

Until later . . .

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