

Knitting, Knitting and More Knitting

It's been awhile since I talked shop so I figured I'd chat about what I've been up to knitting wise.

First and foremost, I frogged the Karaoke Cable Scarf that was intended to go with the Froggie size "B" hat. However, I really liked the KCS pattern so I started over with some Lorna's Laces Shepherds Bulky in Huron (aka Gray). I have to admit, the yarn was not intended for this project, or any project for me. It actually was intended to be a holiday present however it didn't end up to be. I was going to chuck the yarn due to bad yarn karma, but one of my knitting peeps - britnlind - suggested I change the karma and make it into something nice for myself, or to give to charity. So, I did just that. Originally I didn't like the color. I got it because it was a color the intended gift recipient likes. However, as I see it take form I'm really diggin' the color and am having a hard time deciding who the new recipient will be (aka - me or charity).

Karaoke Cable Scarf

The scarf itself is suppose to be 60" long - just 2.75" short of being as tall as yours truly. So, when I couldn't find my tape measure I decided an alternate way to measure my progress was to see where it came up to on me. I have since found my tape measure, but I think measuring against my height is a lot more fun.

Oh, I'm also totally diggin' the cables....

Karaoke Cable Scarf Close Up 2

This scarf was placed into hibernation so I could knit a pair of socks. No, it's not my January sock club shipment that I'm making, it's a pattern by Gigi Silva called Fanny. I'm making it out of Lorna's Laces DK Swirl in the colorway Circus. Actually, ever since I listened to Britney Spears new CD - Circus - I can't stop making the association between the CD and the yarn. The colorway is funky and I can see why it was called Circus.

So far, it's turning out great! I love the way the colors are pooliing, at least on the first sock. This is the only picture I have at the moment:

Lorna's Laces - Circus

Pictures of the actual socks to follow soon.

As mentioned above, the first shipment of my sock club yarn and pattern came last week. It's so beautiful - the color and pattern. I am intimidated by the pattern (SPOILER) because it has beading and cables in it. I believe I'm going to hold off on knitting those socks for awhile.

This past weekend I got an RAK package. It had a novelty VooDoo Doll in it. It actually made me laugh because I had originally put that on my RAK list months and months and months ago. The request kind of followed me around all these months because I just did a copy and paste each month and didn't bother to edit the list. Oops! Regardless, I laughed when I opened up the package because all these months later I've decided I don't want it anymore and I thought the timing was ironic. I do appreciate the generosity of the person who sent it to me and I thanked them as soon as I got home and could get to my computer.

Last but not least, my tally of knitting expenses is coming along well and it has actually helped me not want to go out and buy more knitting stuff. I have decided that I can apply negative dollar values each time I use something from my yarn haul. The yarn haul stash is actually becoming my new favorite source for needles.

And, on that note... Until later...

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