

I'll Just Do That Later . . .

It's Thursday and technically the little Thursday blog project I do with my other three friends - Mel, Shara and Jenn - is suppose to be on vacation. We figured it's a holiday weekend and we all have crazy schedule. However, I saw it as a chance to catch up on my postings. See, I never wrote on Jenn's topic regarding a bad habit we have.

Given that this post, along with several others, is being published a week later it is suppose to be I felt it was appropriate to recognize that I tend to procrastinate. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems keeping deadlines. However, on "occasion" I may just make a deadline. This Thursday blog post project is a great example. At first I was all about getting my posts up "on time." Then, over time that changed. Sometimes it has to do with timing. Thursday seems to sneak-up on me faster than I would like it too. Other times it has to do with getting a post to exactly where I want it to be.

When I was in school, my procrastination reared its ugly head when I would write papers. Yeah, I was that person who got started just a few days before a paper was due even if I knew about the assignment weeks in advance. In my senior year high school English class we had to write short papers about articles we would read in Newsweek magazine. I can't recall one time I didn't write mine at 7:20 AM just 15 minutes before I was due in Algebra II class. Might I note, I can all A's on those papers???

Today, I find that put things off for different reasons. I'm completely cognizant of my behavior and work to combat it. Sometime I win; sometimes I lose. In the end, I guess it's nice to know that I am aware of this and am trying to do something about it.

What my other fellow bloggers have to say on the topic:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Shara @ Desperate Madness

Mel @ Me!!!

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

procrastinators of america unite!!! we can get to that sometime in the future though. ;)
you have no many idea how many late nighter's i'd pull in the computer lab at school trying to work on papers i waited all semester to get started on. :)

Jenn said...

Oh man, I am a terrible procrastinator!

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