

Being Private In A Public Forum

I never meant to share ANY personal information on this blog. It just sorta happened. My initial intention was to keep it strictly about knitting. However, I think that changed in September when I posted my thoughts related to the Jewish New Year. At least that is where I would I would say I "turned the corner." I don't find this to be a bad thing. More interesting to me than anything else since I'm typically an extremely private person. Rule #1 about posting anything on the internet is assume if you put it out there you are basically sharing it with the world - so make sure you want everyone and their sister to know. The only reason I'm writing about this is due to some conversations I've had recently with friends about this very matter. These conversations are mainly focused on what topics I write about, the particular topics I don't/won't write about (at least right now) and the on-going debate I have internally about whether or not to make comment to specific things that are relevant to what I'm talking about, but link back to people/situations in my life that may be on the somewhat sensitive side of the fence. Or, at least right now they are.


Thought of the Day:

"Our life is what our thoughts make it."
- Marcus Aurelius


I finished my scarf! Yay! It only took a day or two to make. I don't have pictures of the finished object, but I do have a picture I took the other day while it was in progress...

Drop Stitch Scarf

Here's the pattern: Easy Drop Stitch Scarf

I'm very pleased with this scarf. It's really cool! I even had a friend ask me about the pattern because they liked the one I made so much.

That's all for now . . . Ta! Ta!

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