

Froggie v.32.12

Facebook seems to think it's my birthday today when in actuality it's not (it's tomorrow). I received an e-mail from them wishing me a Happy Birthday. . . this led me to immediately log in to make sure I didn't accidentally fill out or change my information at some point (I didn't). Then of course I started to wonder if I slept SO long that I slept through this day (Saturday, November 29) and it actually was tomorrow instead - this is not the case either. So I've still got 30 some plus hours until it is officially the date and time of my actual b-day. That said, even if it were today I'm ready . . . .

Speaking of birthdays, my mom loved the scarf I made her. Now, normally I would be all over taking pictures of it, but I was in such a rush that I forgot to take a few. Oh well! It turned out really nice and as I said she liked it - that is all that truly matters. Now it's time to work on making my holiday presents for my friends and family.

I don't have much else to share. It's a balmy 30 degrees out and there is no snow to be seen (yet) so I think it's time to venture outside.

Until later. . . Ta! Ta!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

it's officially your b-day now! happy birthday! i hope you got the gift i sent by now. :)

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