

Coming and Going; Going and Coming

I find the IL highway/tollway system amusing. No sooner do you cross the state line coming in from Indiana or Wisconsin do you encounter signage that welcomes you to the IL Tollway System and warns you that if you do not get off at x exit than you will be heading towards the first of many tolling stations. Also, as you're getting off said toll road you encounter another sign thanking you for using the tollway as they hit you up for more money on the way out the door. I guess if anything drivers should be appreciative that the state is thoughtful enough to thank you while taking your money - coming and going.

My best laugh comes when I read the sign above the open tolling area that reads something to the like of, "State of IL Open Road Tolling thanks to Governor Rod R. Blagojevich." Like I said, it's not verbatim, but you get the point. A coworker and I were talking about this today and they said they have never encountered any other toll system where the governor's name was splashed across that particular state's version of open road tolling. I guess if our fine Governor has done one good thing during his time as the leader of this state, it's bringing open road tolling to the masses and helping with traffic congestion - that warranted the constant recognition, right!?. Maybe if he appoints himself President-elect Obama's replacement then he can make sure everyone in the county has open road tolling and knows it was he who helped them out.


More comments about driving in my fine state -

I did take somewhat of a different way back from Indy this last trip at the suggestion of some people I know. They said it would be faster and I would go through less tolls. Instead of taking the tri-state like my GPS wanted me to do, I took I80 to the 355 extension that opened about this time last year. Apparently the GPS satellite maps aren't updated because according to this particular one I was driving in the middle of a field and I needed to make a U turn. The trip took me through, around, some of my favorite south suburbs that I do not get to that often such as Frankfort, Lemont, Homer Glen, Mokena, Oak Lawn, Orland Park and Tinley Park. (I think this is the part of the drive where I was so ready to get home that I needed to do something to stay awake - so I memorized the names of the towns I passed through.)


I need to get back to taking more pictures. Even though I've been meeting my Project 365 requirement I really want to explore different areas and capture those sights they have to offer. Alas, at this point I think I am just waiting to see what kind of after Thanksgiving sales camera shops have. I've narrowed it down the SLR camera I wanted (I think). Now I just want to get the best price possible.


So what is Yelp anyway?

In one of my recent posts I mentioned that I was going to leave my comments about the yarn shop that sells the $130 yarn on Yelp. It got me to thinking that some of y'all might not know what Yelp is.

In a few words, Yelp is a fun peer-to-peer web site where you can write and read reviews about local businesses. You can also socialize with other Yelpers in the area - online and in real life.

Here's a Yelp Documentary on what Yelp is.

In all seriousness it's a lot of fun and you should check it out!


My second Drop Stitch Scarf was coming along nicely until I accidentally picked up a stitch and then decided to drop a stitch a few rows later. I thought this would even everything out, but not the additional stitches are very noticeable - at least to me. Maybe it's just my OCD tendencies coming out. I'll have to show it to another knitter to see if I am overreacting. All I know is that the scarf needs to be done by next Thursday - additional stitches or not.

I just looked at the calendar to find out when Hanukkah is this year. It's later than normal this year, but that is good for me. It means once I finish the scarf I can start on the socks for my mom and make those her Hanukkah present.

Well, that is all for now. . . it's time to rest.

Until later, BB!

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