

Jam Packed Wrap-Up

It would not be a Sunday evening without 800 things on my mind and a 1000 things to do before the work week starts . . . and of course what am I am doing? Blogging. . . Duh!

Halloween 2008 was fun. My work costume was once again my "Boo" t-shirt and this year I added a purple wig. Actually several people said I looked good with long, purple hair. Hmmm . . . I have been debating whether or not to go back to my natural hair color. Maybe I should go purple instead. (And yes, there was a non-work costume as well)

My pumpkin did not turn out too bad considering it was the first time in years I have carved a pumpkin AND that I have absolutely no artist ability what-so-ever.

Day 208:  Carved Pumpkin - October 31, 2008


The HFCS Challenge began yesterday and so far so good. I actually had the opportunity to use the eating out loophole however, I did not take advantage of it, I was completely conscious of what I was eating/drinking. So much that I skipped having a Pomegranate Martini (a fave of mine) because it contained pomegranate juice which I would bet dollars to donuts had HFCS in it. Additionally I gave up partaking in a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (another fave) even though I was not even at my own home and a sample of the Ginger Pumpkin bunt cake (which could very possibly have had sugar in it, but I did not want to bother the workers at the shop)they had out at another place I was at this weekend. Lastly, I discovered Uncle Ben's puts the forbidden additive in their flavored rice products.

It's going to be a LONG month, but I am truly committed to doing this right. My hope is that if I can cut out a lot of crap during the next 30 days I will be able to continue to do so beyond November 30th. Just another step towards improving myself (cheesy I know, but true). I was out with a friend this weekend who said they wouldn't tell if I cheated. My response to them was, "Yeah, I know, but I would know and that is what matters." We are of course the ones who have to live with the truth of our actions regardless of what we profess to others, right!?

I saw the movie "W." this weekend. Good movie. Not outstanding, but definitely insightful. I won't get into the details because I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it. What I will say is that it very interesting to see how all the events of his life more than likely influenced his first term. I say "more than likely" because I'm sure there was a lot of creative license used to make the movie a good fit for Hollywood.

The Bears BARELY won. However, both TCU and the Bears won this weekend so it was a good weekend for football.

My mom and I went to a yarn shop near where she lives and she picked out sock yarn for her birthday socks. Actually, she picked out yarn for two pairs of socks. This is what she picked out:


On Line SuperSocke 100 (Superwash)



Zitron Avanti

The baby blanket, which is now known to most as the "Huge-Ass Baby Blanket," is almost finished. Just to give you an idea of how large it is, I laid it out on my over-sized ottoman this weekend and it basically covered it. That means it's about 45"W x 30"D - all presuming I castoff where I am at the moment. I have not made a decision about how long I would like for it to be. I did transfer the blanket from the circular needles I've been using to the straight needles I originally started with. I did this mainly because when I am ready to start working on it again I will be able to drape it over my legs so I can keep warm. Yes, now that it is colder on a consistent basis, blanket knitting is once again welcomed because I can stay nice and warm in the process. Try having a blanket draped over your legs in 70/80 degree weather - not comfortable.

Lastly, my Brangelina hat is a hit. I've worn it out several time and each time I do I get many compliments on it. At least half a dozen people I know have asked me to make them one. Oh, and it's comfy and warm too.

That's all for now. Until later. . . BB!

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