

This Is The Type of Mail I Like

I got awesome knitting items in the mail today - WooHoo!!! Prizes and swap packages are fun!

This totally beats my "usual" mail!

Love the tape SlowKnitter!

Thanks Edith for the dish rags and all the great goodies!

Man did I pick a crappy time to give up HFCS and corn syrup. I guess all my sweet treats will have to be put away for December 1st.
(To any of my friends who may be looking at my blog and thinking they would be happy to help eliminate the temptation any of the sweet treats may cause I would like to say thank you for the thoughtful offer, but I will be just fine and do not need your assistance.)

Thank you for the sock yarn and other goodies SlowKnitter!
SlowKnitter's Blog

The arrival of Edith's package was another reminder that I still haven't sent my swap buddy's box yet. Thankfully, she has been very understanding of my hectic schedule. The second dish rag I plan to include in the box is in progress at the moment.

I do have a bunch of things on my mind to write about however I am extremely tired so they will have to wait.

Until later ... BB!

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