

A Ball - Or Two - Of Yarn

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for November 10, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 239

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 497

Susanna The Short was officially divorced a month before me. I met her just as hers was finalized. We have very different personalities. Conservative on the outside; colorful on the inside - that's STS. Our divorce stories on the other-hand are very similar. We hit it off immediately! I met STS at a knitting group. My first time with the group was the same day everyone was going out to celebrate her divorce. Her divorce present from the group was a pair of socks made by most of the group members. I call them her "divorce socks."

Recently, I was given a ball of STS' divorce sock yarn for blankie. It is green, purple and white. Last Thursday I took the ball out of the plastic bag it had resided in and placed it on top of my blankie in my bag so I would know where it was later on when I was ready to add the square. However, when I did actually go to knit the square it wasn't there. Ok . . . I mentally retraced my steps and identified the few places it could be. None of which I would be back at anytime soon. Crap Monkey! The divorce yarn had divorced me after just a few days. No worries, I would just send the person who gave it to me a message explaining what happened and see if they had more. They did. Problem solved.

I got the new ball this weekend. I swore I would knit it into blankie immediately. In reality it was more like an hour later. When I went to get it it was gone. WTF! I was divorced by yarn yet again!? I looked up and down and all around. Like before, at the end of the day I took it all in stride and the person who gave it to me said they would give me another. Phew! Third times a charm, right!? I have to say, I did have a harder time letting go of the disappearing yarn this time around. Before I was about to leave my lo-cal I decided to look one last place. Ah-ha, found it!

It was hiding behind the leg of someone else's chair. How it got there is beyond me, but at the end of the day what is important is that I found it and that made me happy that I found the yarn. Since then, the yarn and I have worked through are differences and it is now part of blankie.

Yay for happy endings!

Until later . . .

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