

Silly Sheep!

I'm not sure who introduced me to the Dizzy Sheep and its infamous "Dizzy Deals," but I have to say I have mixed feeling about them for doing so.

No, the yarn I had finally settled on for the February Lady sweater I plan to make wouldn't cost me at my LYS as much as I would have paid had I found a companion pak in the yarn pit at Stitches (half the cost actually) however if I could get a deal on it, even better! (I can never be accused of being a spendthrift.)

I did a double take when I saw the Dizzy Deal posted Saturday night. There it was! Berocco Ultra Alpaca - 215 yards of super soft, warm awesomeness. I had only been stalking the site for a few weeks. I didn't think it would appear so quickly. I felt like I had won some sort of knitting lottery. After I got over the shock I quickly made my way to the other room to get my credit card since I really wasn't expecting to make a purchase. The color selection was limited. I think Dizzy knew the shade of blue I had been eying and thus didn't make it available. However there were two shades of purple available. I went with the darker purple. (Lighter purples such as Lilac and Lavender looked better on my Grandma than it does me.) All said and done, I saved about 35%. Oh, did I mention Dizzy gives AWESOME customer service!? Over 24 hours after I placed my order I realized I didn't buy enough - go figure! I e-mailed D about my slip-up and before I knew it my worries were no more.

After the purchase was made I e-mailed my button dealer to ask when their shop would be open so I could finalize my button selection - the big picture is made up of small details. Yesterday morning I received a reply with the "store" hours and also the suggestion of a knit along. Hmmm . . . not a bad idea! I think I will need someone to prod me along on this project. Especially since I can't seem to put down the two sock yarn blankies.

My goal is to have the sweater done by mid- to late- January . . . just in time for some of those snow falls I was going on about early.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Wren said...

It's weird, I was thinking about doing my first sweater as the February Lady for the Ravolympics this year. I figure it'll give me enough time to save up enough for all the yarn (I think that's why I tend to stick with smaller things - LESS YARN, LESS EXPENSIVE. =P) Sadly, I want to use Malabrigo Silky Merino for it, in Indicita because OMG THAT COLORWAY MAKES ME CRY.

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