

No Moral Of The Story

This was not like the European vacation we took last time.

This time, we traveled domestically to see The Ravens, The Andersons and The Logans. Oh, I forgot, The Oaks too.

Our route was well mapped out thanks to Navager and Googlite, so much so I felt the needed to pinch myself to make sure it was all real. Instead, I sat back, relaxed and had a Mimosa with Mary.

WARNING: Bad rhyming ahead - Proceed with Caution!

Souvenirs were acquired - some soft; some sweet. There surely are memories that definitely can't be beat. At the end of the day everyone was run-down and very glad to rest. And on that note, I think that it is best that I say with the little zest I have left . . .

Until later . . .

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