

"It Is What It Is"

Somewhere around my early- to mid-twenties my mom would tell me how she was concerned that I wouldn't make it to see thirty.


This isn't exactly something anyone wants to hear - especially from a parent. However, she had a valid reason to be concerned. Like my dad, I am a worry-wort. If you could worry about it I do; and then some! Her concern was simple - all the worrying could take a toll on my body. I appreciated the concern and understood where it was coming from, but never really took it seriously.

Well, I made it to thirty . . . and then some. One could say I was trying to prove my mom wrong. However, just because I made it doesn't mean my worrying ways changed at the stroke of midnight. I still worried about everything. It wouldn't be me if I didn't, right!?

Last week, I was on the phone with KP when I realized there were a few things I couldn't find. Both pricier items and important to me. As I searched my place for them I said, "Well, if I can't find it I guess it just 'is what it is' and I will have to get new ones." This catch phrase wasn't new to me. It's actually something I've been saying for years now. So much several of my friends often beat me to the punch. KP commented that was a very relaxed approach I was taking and that she would have been upset. Yeah, I guess it was. I guess over the past few years I've realized there are some things I just can't control as much I would like too. Does it suck that I would have to spend additional monies to replace something? Yes. Do I need to stress and worry about it? Nah. I guess I'm learning to let go of things I can't control and invest in those I can have an influence over.

As for my mom . . . Last week she was telling me how she didn't know where something was and it was concerning her. It was the middle of the day. There was nothing she could do until later. I told her to relax and look for it when she got home. I also told her I was sure it would be fine. She was perplexed by my response. That's when I realized I had come full-circle. Amazing how it sneaks up on you!

Until later . . .

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