

Froggie v.33.12

I'm ready to put "Froggie" v.33.12 in the archives.

Not that I have much choice in the matter. In about 24 hours, it will be put away whether I like it or not. However, I am ready.

This past week, the ever so persistent mother of mine has come-up with a few more b-day present ideas. The list now looks something like this:

• Winter Coat

• Gift Certificate to a Yarn Shop

• Gift Card to my favorite clothing store

• Uggs (Yes, I know several people who can't understand the fascination with Uggs which leads me to note that the suggestion was made based upon a conversation me and the my sil were having recently)

(Maybe I'll just ask her to pay the $15 parking ticket I found on my windshield this morning - damn suburban police whom change the parking regulations on your block and just expect you to know them through E.S.P.)

All of the above are very nice suggestions, however, I've seem to be able to hold off on committing to anything. At this point it looks like it's a matter of which one of us is the most stubborn. I'm sure, at some point, I'll give in and pick something.

All this bothers me a lot. It's very possible I would feel differently if things were different in my life right now and I didn't have these intangibles that I wanted more. Then again, two of five on the list have come true, so I guess I should consider it all a success. Maybe this is just who I am now. Someone who doesn't "yearn" for material things as much, but rather concentrates on the intangibles. Could it be possible that this is one of the new features in the soon-to-be released "Froggie v.34.0" operating system?

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Wren said...


And I adore the 33.12/34.0 changeover. That is pure genius. <3

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