


• "Where's the Fisher Price 'My First Knitting Kit' when you need it? :)"

• Rain, rain and more rain.

• How is it that people spell my name wrong even when it's right in front of them?

• "Burned? Try more like deep fried!"

• Happy Birthday!

• Reality

• "And I said,'This is the most naked I will get today.'"

• We were just standing there wait until we could shop

• 24/7 until the holidays is a little too much for me

• Nice weather. Not getting lost. Lots of yarn.

• I don't know if I want to friend this person

• So many projects; so little time

• Be Thankful

• Rule are necessary, but there is a thing as too many

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i actually understand a few of these and should get royalties for one of them. lol!

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