

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

No one wore their pjs, which made me glad I didn't wear mine. Getting to our new lo-cal was a breeze. The food . . . OMG! The food. No one was going hungry!

• A ton of appetizers

• Turkey (cooked on the grill)

• Prime Rib

• Made from scratch mashed potatoes

• Stuffing

• Crescent rolls

• French Silk pie from Bakers Square (because it's the best)

• Chewy-gooey Fudge Brownies

• Made from scratch chocolate chip cookies

• Pumpkin Pie (not for me, but there were those that love it)

• Carrot Cake (as far as I'm concerned it's the same as Pumpkin Pie)

Hungry yet???

I was tired before the meal even started. The eyes were much larger than my stomach (nothing new). Then there was the after dinner nap before round two - dessert. After partaking in dessert, it was back to the recliner for the post dessert nap. All the while, we watched the Cowboys crush the Oakland Raiders.

I would later comment to my mom that it was the first Thanksgiving in a couple years that I truly felt relaxed at and enjoyed myself immensely. She offered up a reason for this which I at first rebuffed, but after further examination do find some merit and truth in. I also have another theory. Regardless of the reason, it was a relaxing and fun evening.

One thing we didn't do this year - go around and state what we are thankful for. This meant there were no tears. I wonder if we had done this portion of the evening if I would have cried as I did last year. It sounds a bit strange to care about, but to me it would have been a gauge of sorts.

As I did last year, I will list some of things I am thankful for here. I have this nagging feeling it will be very similar to last year, but for different reasons. Here goes nothing. . .

I am thankful for:

• My Family

As I said last year, despite any differences we may have I know at the end of the day my family is there for me - as I am for them. But even more importantly, I'm thankful for the greater understand I have of them. Taking it one step further, I feel very lucky to have had the rare opportunity to spend more time with them than I normally would. It's been so wonderful and the impact this time spent together is visible. Oh, and have mentioned the crush I now have on my niece and nephew!? I sit back in amazement when I see how they've changed over the years. It is truly a gift.

• My Friends

Just like my family, my friends are amazing. I am truly blessed.

There are a few people who stand-out in my mind more than others - it's only normal, but I won't name names to be fair to everyone.

There are the obvious two that have been "dealing" with me for decades now. G-d bless them! Last week an unexpected "hiccup" made I realized I've never had a fight with one of the two. In twenty years not one fight or major disagreement. Not that I want to have a fight with them I just think it is a truly rare accomplishment. I hope that it remains that way. I am thankful that bizarre circumstance that introduced me someone who I consider a really good friend. I am thankful to have the chance to spend more time with those I don't normally do.

Lastly, I am thankful for the faith and confidence my friends have in me - especially during times when I am down-right lacking it in myself.

• My Life

• My Inner Strength

• The ability to make yarn pretty

• Laughter

• Being able to remember the good stuff - Many roll their eyes at me on this one, but it's really important to me to stay this way because I feel to do differently would be to deny who I am.

(These are just a few of the many things I am thankful for - there are many, many more)

There are people that I missed tonight. People I miss periodically; some daily.

I believe that is all for now. Unlike last year, I am not filled with as many words. Maybe it's because I'm more at peace, or it could just be that I'm still in a lingering food coma. Who knows. I do however, know this. . . It is my hope that everyone has had a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving.

Until later . . .

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